
Air Force Tool Vox Designation

  1. 2021 RPF Awards Ceremony

    Greetings Guest, the 2021 RPF Awards Ceremony is starting! Be sure to-tune in

  1. Last edited: Oct 18, 2021
  2. IC: Almira
    Tython, Deep Core, Inner Systems

    It had taken many years, but they'd made it eventually.

    Just the two of them.

    The world had been the secret redoubt of the New Jedi Order, but there had only ever been a thousand Knights, and hundreds had died at Garqi, Corellia and in the intervening time. Most of the Masters had died in the Great War, that week-long disaster that had decimated the New Republic and wider galaxy.

    On the run since the Battle of Korriban, and Almira had recollections of a dozen retreats from worlds as varied as Ithor, Nouane, Procopia, Bespin. If it wasn't roving Yuuzhan Vong marauders, it was Sith warriors, or even genocidal Eternal GEMINI droids, especially in the south. Even then, most civilised worlds had turned on themselves, every person only out for number one. Fuel was becoming scarce, torpedo and concussion missiles were basically gone, and soon blaster gas would be exhausted.

    They made it to Tython and were running out of everything.

    Separated from the wider family during a layover on Kashyyyk, they were alone.

    But they had each other. Almira looked to Leia.

    The Jedi Knight had not felt her mother, father and brother die, no, but she could no longer sense them.

    The galaxy's cries - the background noise of the End of Time, it isolated her from them.

    Tython would, in theory, have the remainder Jedi supplies if they had not been raided already, but that was fairly unlikely.

    It was also, however, one of the last places that was not so polluted by the dark side that Renn and Vhardia could still become corporeal.

    Five years was a very long time to hold on, and the Force was beckoning for them to let go.

    TAG: @TheSilentInfluence, @darthbernael, @darthhelinith
    IC: Beaumont Kin

    Near Sarapin, Inner Systems


    The Core World of Sarapin had, once upon, been responsible for much of the energy production of the galaxy. The molten crust provided that, and there were a handful of spaces that one could land and seize that energy in the form of massive capacitor-freighters. Beaumont Kin had spent some time studying the scans of their scouts, and believed an isolated platform in the northern hemisphere.

    Aboard the yacht that he and Qwi Xux still shared, he regarded the team.

    The Treskov system - Sanctuary, as they called the community there - had managed to quietly lead millions of refugees into its multiple systems. But it was a dead end, and the Imperial supplies did not last forever. Efforts to make them self-sufficient had been middling in success, so periodic raids to locate what they could not produce were necessary. That being said, they had plenty of war supplies, but weapons didn't feed people... accept by gunpoint, by stealing.

    He regarded the Omwati, becoming more fragile with age, especially Qwi did not come from a long-lived species. That made him twitch, but he focused upon the rest of the team - other cast-offs that had came together. Lowbacca, Tahiri Veila and the repurposed murder-bot IG-88, who, in his words, considered it appropriate to team up with them as he was a droid.

    "Our target is an old, possibly Clone Wars era old, depot that turned up in the records we found on Coruscant."

    That was a pretty horrible mission, to raid the old Imperial archives, but it had been done and they had the data they needed.

    "It may have defences, but we don't know. We believe the Sarapin conglomerate's kept their reserves there, off the books, so to speak. So while the main platforms have all been hit by Sith raiders, we can be relatively confident that this one was not known to them."

    Lowbacca rumbled his disquiet.

    "Relatively is better than nothing," Tahiri said with a shrug.

    The two former Jedi had been separated from the Order at Corellia, when Centerpoint blew and took with it several prominent Masters and Knights. With no HoloNet, there had been no way for them to reconnect with the mainstream Order, so when they'd found the Treskov refuge they'd signed up.

    TAG: @Jerjerrod-Lennox (combo)
    IC: The Master of Masters

    Unknowns, West

    The founding world of the Jedi Order was in much the same state it had been for some decades.

    A great tear down the heart of it, a consequence of a brutal battle that had taken place beneath the surface between Qi'ra Ananke, Aryan Graul and his first son and wife, Arek and Lyz. Too, in the Prime Jedi Temple, Ahsoka Tano had been slain, and the Shade of the Son had been killed by Pascale Rouser by the Temple Tree.

    So when Aryan Graul returned here five years ago with his family, his mother, Gaeriel, Jalynn and Arek, as well as their medical droid, an Eternal flagship of Skytroopers, and a collection of Sith Holocrons, it had been a place recovering, the local Caretakers slowly restoring the Jedi Village, notwithstanding the jagged expanse that had once been a small dark side presence.

    The Sith Holocrons had been at the heart of that darkness for some years, untouched, unconsulted.

    Similarly, the Eternal flagship had gone dormant to conserve power, the Skytroopers and GEMINI droids aboard unable to sustain themselves for all this time, and unable to leave the system or risk their genocidal programming taking over.

    There had been plenty to do, to make the small commune sustainable. The Caretakers tolerated the Graul family as they regrouped, recovered and restored their balance. The power they had once commanded had left them, making Aryan the only Force user among them, stronger than when he was the apprentice of An'ya Kuro, but not as powerful as he had been as the Eternal Emperor, wielding the Scepter of Ragnos.

    Aryan's life was potentially more hermetic than that of the rest of the family. Sitting in the Prime Jedi Temple, he would have had the ancient Jedi texts to read, to unpack their words about Exegol, the Sith wayfinders, the Dyad, the Rule of Two, the World Between Worlds, slowly but surely translated with extreme difficulty. Even now, there were things he would not understand, and today he unpacked a new page.


    The ancient Jedi beacon system...

    "Helloooooo," the Master stepped into the room, unannounced, as if he had always been there, "it's been a while, and you seem to have been productive."

    His hands were tucked behind his back.

    TAG: @HanSolo29 (combo)
    IC: Maal Lah

    Above Rodia, East

    The Yuuzhan Vong warship Lah's Pride was in a sorry state.


    It was a decent enough analogy for the entire Yuuzhan Vong people.

    After the Great War, they'd had ten, maybe twenty thousand ships left.

    But without a Supreme Overlord, their divine intercessor with the Immortal Gods of the Sith, the Domain leaders had fractured, and fought, and scattered across the galaxy. Yes, there were isolated pockets of Yuuzhan Vong dominion - the waters of Tynna had provided succour for Domain Cha, the grasses of Kashyyyk had became the endless fighting arena of Domain Shai, determined to wrestle with the locals, and Domain Tla had settled on Gallinore, in the Hapan Cluster - but the only potential successors had been the Lah siblings, Maal, Khalee and Qurang, and they had been unable to come to an accord and no amount of usage of the villip network would rally a unified populace again.

    Which meant that broken worlds, weak worlds, were the provenance of their raids... but there were no strong worlds left.

    Khalee had settled upon Eriadu, having butchered the surrounding sector... Qurang had taken the resource-rich worlds of Salliche Ag, fighting an endless resistance over the twenty-eight planets there. But Maal, well, he had tried to piece together what had happened to the Yuuzhan Vong leadership - to Kwaad, to Drathul, to Jakan, to Nas Choka.

    Eventually, it had brought him to see if Anor had survived.

    The miid ro'iik arrived above Rodia, the world that Anor had handed to Khalee Lah five years ago, and Maal opened his villip up to communicate with the planet.

    The rock in Anor's collection rumbled, and Ike woke from the bed he was in.

    "Um, Anor, you've a call?"

    TAG: @Mitth_Fisto (combo)
    IC: Unu

    Yoggoy, Unknown Regions, West

    At last it was complete, and Tobias Vox ceased to be YoggoyTobias, and became UnuTobias.

    The Killiks had found him in his wreckage, and saved him.


    They had healed him.

    Restored him.

    Which of course, because they were Killiks, meant replacing his lost limb with a insectible Killik arm... and a second pair of Killik arms at his waist... and replacing his chin with a chitinous one. To say that Tobias was nothing like what he once was, well, that was a point. Spending time with Killiks, stranded, alone, meant that he was eventually incorporated into their hive mind, becoming YoggoyTobias, for the hive was named Yoggoy.

    It took some months, but the moment it did, he would have a sense of himself as Yoggoy, and though the Killiks were not Force sensitive, he would be able to draw upon them as a well. He became, thus, more powerful, when he finally acclimatised himself to the hive mind a year after his crash. It took another year to sort through the competing and inaccurate memories of the hive. They'd absorbed personality qualities from any sentient in their path, and then lost the skills, unable to retain them in the competing mind. Their stories told of how they had tried to take a world, and the Celestials punished them, but also held stories of how they had built great and terrible devices for them, even though they no longer knew how to.

    It was another year before a ship from a competing Killik nest arrived, and Yoggoy triumphed with his leadership, taking the ship, but the Killiks knew not how to make hyperfuel, and the ship could only take him to the next nest, a few star systems away. His Force powers meant he could incorporate their hive mind into him, and the next, and the next. With every sentient encountered - every Joiner - they could expand the hives skill-set, the unified Will he commanded.

    In essence, he became a Killik King.

    Over time, each nest sent a representative to him, so they could all be telepathically linked.

    In time, that nest of nests became Unu.

    And so he became UnuTobias, today, commanding a sector full of Killiks - some three hundred star systems.

    They could not produce hyperfuel, but they could barter, and occasionally roving traders passed through the area, seeking resources and repairs. In time he had a kingdom, but a low-tech one - his Killik dart ships used methane fuel and were slow, and the Killiks could only take modern technology, not replicate it, for Tobias had not the knowledge of such construction, and the few Joiners he had absorbed did not either.

    But the Killiks could build, with unified focus.

    They could, with access to trade and supplies and civilisation - such as it was - create anything.

    His opposition?

    The human world of Adumar, which was heavily armed for warfare, at a higher level than UnuTobias, but not as high as governments of the Great War. The Sith, the Yuuzhan Vong, even a GEMINI cruiser, they'd all tried to take munitions from the warrior world but failed. The old shipyards of Bilbringi were near, and various squabbles over them had meant much of its mineral and mechanical wealth remained, damaged but not yet reaped. The surviving Chiss bordered his worlds at Qoribu, and had made attempts at trade but also been circumspect, as if intelligence-gathering - or exhibiting their typical stoic xenophobia.

    He had opportunity, and Force power immense now - some three hundred hives all filling him with strength - but he was alone...

    Perhaps even fractured in mind, in more ways than one.

    The Unu - the collection of insects in all their shapes and forms, regarded their King, eager for instructions, for guidance.

    TAG: @Shadowsun
    IC: Zara

    The Redoubt, Byss, Inner Systems

    Byss and its neighbouring planet of Relus had became a success.

    Their colony had risen up, their initial windfall allowing them to capitalise in a galaxy that didn't have resources to spare.

    The stream of refugees made their way to the world, negotiating their entry, bringing their own contributions.

    They even managed to connect the hyperlane they had discovered to the Southern Core, giving them a way out. Resources were put into keeping the route to Byss hidden and secure, mining it and placing gravity traps. It wasn't a self-sufficient world, but Empress Teta's incorporation into the territory of the Redoubt a year after the Great War gave them a wealth of resources and the ability to repair their ships and build more structures.

    But Barriss was woken today by Luminara rushing into the room.

    "We've an intrusion at Empress Teta, it's a big one!"

    Zara sat up groggily and pawed the lights, the screen in their room hooking into the hundreds of comm repeaters strung out between here and Teta. It had happened years ago, when crisis after crisis had meant they were woken and getting to the command center took precious minutes.

    Visuals showed that it was Yuuzhan Vong, and massive; a slaveship.


    It was shirking off mines, deflecting them with gravitic effort, but not absorbing or destroying them.

    The ship seemed to be limping, leaking into space.

    "How soon can we get there?" Zara said. It wasn't a simple question, because the hyperlanes inside the Deep Core periodically shifted.

    "Couple of hours?"

    The Force told Barriss however that the ship carried someone she had met, albeit briefly, and so after five years it was not immediately obvious what the Force signature was...

    TAG: @CosmoHender
    IC: Viqi Shesh

    Kuat City, wreckage, Inner Systems

    The world of Kuat had fallen some years ago now.

    The Eternal Fleet had fought the Krakan, Viscount and Guardian in orbit after the Hapans and New Republic abandoned the planet, the Eternal Fleet leaving the Super Star Destroyer Guardian as a disabled hulk for many years.


    Everyday Kuati had been transformed into a resistance, desperately attempting to hold onto what they had left, albeit alone. They had plenty of guns, after all, as the galaxies' former premier shipyard.

    Viqi Shesh, the former Kuati Senator, had made a play for control of the survivors in the shadows of the battered metropolitan world, but it had been Jori Atreus who had long been considered the successor - the Kuat of Kuat. She was the lone member of the group that went to Korriban five years ago that returned to the Core, and by then the HoloNet had fallen and the galaxy with it.

    Now the deranged hive mind of the Eternal Fleet hung above the planet, having fought long and hard to eradicate all life on the world, but also needing its war factories to rebuild what had been lost. The GEMINI mind, identifying as GEMINI-16, was determined to erase humanity from this world before moving on.

    It was a typical hit on a factory to knock out the production lines and steal whatever food was left in the mess, with Viqi supporting Jori and their team of fighters - six humans of varying cast - when hot-light began to fly.


    Droids, but merciless ones, and that meant GEMINI-16 knew they were here.


    "Orders, Kuat!" Viqi shouted to Jori as the terminator droids stepped into the fray.

    TAG: @TheAdmiral
    IC: Isolder

    Aboard Star Home, Roquo Depot, East

    It had taken some time to give up on Hapes, especially with the Consortium being torn apart by Yuuzhan Vong survivors from the Galney Coup, and even Sith had snuck in to rally some of the noble houses to their cause - and then ruin them. Those houses loyal to Feyna had been decimated by the Battle of Hapes, making the 63 member worlds of the star cluster into nearly as many factions.

    Several ships from the Seventh Fleet had left to fight for their homes over the years, and now the Star Home retained the services of the Obi-Wan, half a dozen Hapan Battle Dragons, and a score of Nova-class cruisers. Morale was low, and Isolder felt it keenly. He acutely remembered when they realised Astarta was dead and the Sith had escaped Nadiem, when Lorell was hit by the raiders.

    It was exceeding difficult not to consider that it was, truly, over.

    The Yuuzhan Vong drones continued to populate and destroy the HoloNet unless the transceiver happened to be within a warship, and there weren't an infinite number of those left. Roquo Depot, a former smuggler dive at the edge of the Hapan Cluster, had become their base of operations, allowing them a small port if ever needed, and somewhere to foist off the noncombatants - i.e., the hundreds of Senators they had been carrying, most of which had headed back to their home systems on whatever craft they could commandeer.

    They'd not heard from Triebakk, or Nola, or Madelyn.

    For five years.

    Isolder lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, preparing himself for another effort to get through the day on minimal resources.

    They had a meeting with Winter and Tycho scheduled for first thing, to decide between Metalorn, Tannab or Roche to raid. The first was a former droid foundry, the latter an agricultural planet, and Roche was a technology treasure trove - but had been aligned with the Mandalorians, who they'd given a wide berth because of how the clans had attacked New Republic worlds during the Great War.

    The kids were awake in their own room down the hall, which was small - they'd given a lot of space aboard the Star Home to the gaggle of refugees they'd saved along the way, and they were being their typical selfs, squabbling over something or nothing, still not used to the cramped conditions.

    "I don't think I can do it," Isolder said.

    TAG: @JediMasterAnne (combo)
    IC: Vestara Khai

    Watering hole, Coruscant, Inner Systems

    There were many worlds that had parts of normalcy to them.

    Sometimes it was minimal, like an agricultural aspect that had suddenly became priority, or an old building that was missed in a Yuuzhan Vong or Sith raid and was now the most important place on the planet by virtue of it being the only standing complex...

    Here, on Coruscant, it was a thousand levels below the surface, where the survivors dwelt.

    Or where some of them simply dwelled on what the had lost.

    One of those was Kyp Durron, who had lost as much as anyone else.

    There was no Xundel to hand, they'd been separated during a layover on Kashyyyk by Sith marauders, and that had been that.

    The front of the bar as a commotion, and one of the occupants leaned forward to peer at the Aqualish being turfed out by an even larger Herglic.

    She checked herself - her glass dagger was suddenly visible in the light and Vestara Khai, a Sith scout, sat back in her booth.


    Hopefully nobody had noticed.

    TAG: @Adalia-Durron (you're welcome to put up the short you showed me too)
    IC: Venku

    Concord Dawn, Outer Rim

    The Mandalore Sector was, essentially, a pocket of functioning civilisation.

    They'd weathered the Sith raids on civilians at Ordo -

    That rogue Eternal Fleet cruiser that went after the phobium mines on Gargon -

    The Yuuzhan Vong assault on the reconstruction project at Kalevala -

    Every single one had been brought to an end by the clans, who had put aside their differences periodically to fend off attack.

    But their success had bred divisions; the last strike at the sector had been years ago, and with the repurposed herd ships well defended from the last of the coral-drones that hunted HoloNet transmissions - Tech reckoned they would die out soon, from the captured samples he had of the cloned creatures -

    And so Venku stood defending their only agricultural world, Concord Dawn. A sizeable contingent of clans was evident, including Cadera, Shysa and others. Mandalore itself? He hadn't been there for over a year. After the moon broke, it wasn't the same planet, and the clans hadn't been the same. But Rook Kast was constantly agitating for more, and Ordo was constantly arguing that they should just wait out the collapse of galactic civilisation.

    Venku was just happy that they were independent, and mostly self-sufficient. They couldn't build capital ships, but they had beskar, and the phobium at Gargon provided the other metals they needed. With Concord Dawn, they didn't technically need anyone else, even if they didn't produce blaster gas or munitions... Whatever deal had been struck with Roche in the past, their technical expertise was a half dozen sectors away and Venku hadn't asked, nor cared.

    But there was a rumour that the beskar was running out.

    That the lode they'd uncovered nineteen years ago after Darth Zorn ripped a hole in the planet had been exhausted.

    For now, Venku waited and watched, ready for orders, keeping an eye out for someone coming after their food...

    TAG: @galactic-vagabond422 (happy for you to play out what has happened now)

  3. OOC:

    Please allow @galactic-vagabond422 and @Adalia-Durron to post their posts/shorts set during the 5 years first.

    All players are welcome to provide me with shorts for approval, or request one combo as applicable.

  4. IC Kyp Durron
    Backwater No where planet

    He'd lost her. She was gone.

    This had to be the millionth time that particular thought had crossed his mind in the last years, it never really left him. Every moment of every day was torture, a drawn-out living torture of being alone and knowing nothing would change that.

    She was gone.

    For a time, he was so lost he couldn't recall what he'd done, for a time he withdrew so deeply that no one could reach him. For a time. Then the pain took over, closely followed by the anger and finally the need for revenge.

    Somewhere in Kyp's mind he knew he'd gone there again; he knew this was the Dark Side, he'd felt it before, but he no longer cared. What did he have to live for? Who really cared where he stood in the Force? She cared.

    But she was gone.

    Adalia had never been 'lightsided' herself, but she knew right from wrong and often she had the ability to do what was needed to be done when his own 'Jedi Training' stopped him. That didn't matter now, he did what needed to be done, nothing stopped him now.

    Staring into the darkened tavern, a Corellian Rum slowly swirling in the glass he held, his cold green and gold eyes scanned the room. He 'felt' them all, their deception, the honesty, their joy and their pain. Closing his eyes, he sat back into the chair and breathed in deeply. He felt their pain, and he fed on it now, it gave him strength and power. When he found the one who took her, they would know pain, he had sworn it. They took her, and nothing was going to stop him from making them feel the pain he felt every day of his life.

    "On the house."

    A young woman said as she placed the drink before him. Had felt her approach and didn't look up, "why?" He asked dryly.

    "Because I thought you needed company and I bought it for you." She pulled out the chair opposite him and sat in it, bringing her long gold hair over her shoulder and clasping her hands on the table before her.

    He moved only his eyes to take in her image, she wasn't just looking for company, he knew that already. "I don't." He returned his gaze to his drink.

    "Oh, come now, under that dark hood I can see those pretty eyes." She reached her hand across, if she was going to secure this job, she needed him to engage with her. Finding her mark tonight was vital, she'd not made any profits for the night, at least this man was attractive, she'd slept with worse.

    He reached up and pulled the hood forward a little more. "You wouldn't like what's behind them. You're wasting your time, please leave and take your drink." Kyp spoke evenly but the cold in his tone was clear.

    "Oh, come now honey, you are lonely, I can see that, you are in need of warm soft company. You know that." She reached out her hand and lay her fingers on his wrist.

    Kyp recoiled, pulling his hand away sharply. "Don't touch me!" He snarled as he spun to glare at her.

    She gasped when he pulled away but again and louder when he spun to look at her. His gold flecked green eyes flared a rich gold yellow colour for a heartbeat before resuming their original colour. Her own eyes wide she sat back pulling away.

    "I warned you. Leave me. I need no company and certainly not yours." His voice was a growl.

    She stood, "keep the drink." The fear in her voice clear, she'd heard about Sith, and she was 100% sure she'd just met one as she made her escape.

    He snorted, pushing the new drink aside as he turned to the window. It was pouring rain outside and dark, miserable and oppressive. Turning back to the room, he watched as the woman spoke to several others and suddenly all attention was on him, Kyp did not need attention, nor did he want it. Getting up he finished his drink and pulled his black cape around him tighter before heading back out into the night, disappearing into the darkness.

    TAG @Sinrebirth

  5. Tor
    Return of the Mand'alor

    "It's time…" A gravelly voice called out from a darkened corner of the Slave II, or as Tor had taken to calling it the Vagabond. The woman herself had just returned from dropping off another successfully caught bounty. In a flash she turned her lucky pistol drawn and ready. As her eyes focused again she saw the figure, Owen, the unkillable Sun Guard. He was more haggard, and more cybernetic than he was in the past but, it was still him. "You can't keep running from it girl."

    "Ba'buir," Tor let out a breath sliding her blaster back into its holster. "I could have killed you." The Mand'alor in hiding stalked towards the cockpit.

    "Many have tried Ad'ika." He rose stiffly following behind her. His bulky figure loomed over the hunter, his cybernetic red eye glowing. "And none have succeeded."

    "I should have left you at Korriban." She muttered not really meaning her words. She'd found him half dead and frozen in the wreckage of that battle, it was only Leia that drew Tor to his body. "Make my life so much easier."

    "I'm sure it would." The younger being took a seat at the pilot's station while Owen slowly and with much groaning took the co-pilot's seat. "But, you kept me alive and now that bird has come home to roost."


    "Tor I gave you a year, a year to heal and do what needed to be done on your own."

    "I can't."

    "Can't or won't?" In a move that belied his age, Owen wrapped a vice-like hand around Tor's wrist while at the same time throwing a punch across his body directed at his granddaughter's face. Tor acted on instinct with one hand pinned; she brought her other up to catch his incoming fist. Her head turned a scowl hidden under her helmet. "Your arm seems fine." He released her arm and settled back in his chair rubbing his hand. "Your reflexes too."

    Tor finished running through her preflight and started to take off.

    "Cheap trick."

    "Well I knew if I asked you directly you'd just ignore it." More silence, "You've seen what's happening, the Clans are starting to fracture. Ka'rta is starting to talk of expansion, or domination."

    "Thought the clans would love that."

    "Some, but not all, then there's those that are just spoiling for a fight."

    "Why hasn't she started making her Iron Empire."

    "The war with the Vong took a lot out of the Mandalorians. And they've spent a lot of time making their own Holo-net. It's been peaceful, but you know Mandalorians and Peace go together like oil and water."

    "And you expect me to step into that?"

    "It is your rightful place, your charge by that blade I know is hidden in your armor."

    "I'll pass. If my Buir can't keep the clans in line, what makes you think I can?"

    "Because you are the rightful heir, because you can strike a balance. Between the Iron of Ka'rta, and silk of Madelyn. And you can't do much worse. There are many that will return once the True Mand'alor takes the throne."

    "Right, the True mand'alor."

    "Madelyn chose you for a reason, you can lead. You're just scared."

    "I'm not scared."

    "Uh huh, sure. And the thought of facing down the woman that beat you down every chance she got doesn't fill you with dread."

    "She was just being tough with me, she had to be."

    "And how many times did you win?"

    Tor was quiet as the ship broke atmosphere.

    "You know why I'm scared…" she muttered off to the side.

    "I know Adi'ka." Owen put a heavy hand on her shoulder. "I know you don't want to lose her too." Under his hand he felt her shoulders tense. "But, after your father's death. She's changed. Even more ruthless, barely listens to anyone, why do you think the Clans are turning against her. She's pushing everything and everyone too hard, demanding results and expecting miracles."

    "Oh like she's always been." Tor mouthed off. The memories of her training were burned into her mind, hours and hours of workouts and sparring. When she was younger she thought they were just toughening her up making her strong, preparing her for being a warrior. While she hasn't forgotten the lessons, the high expectations were crushing to her.

    "She wants to march on the galaxy, a beskar tide washing over the weakened galaxy. They're still rebuilding."

    "And how is that my problem?"

    "If she goes to war, the galaxy might just turn against Mandalore, like they have before."

    "Good riddance."

    "You don't mean that. These are you people," His fist impacted her arm to drive his point home. "You're a Mandalorian, and a war against them could turn ugly quick. They'll come for you too...for Leia…"

    "They wouldn't dare, she's the daughter of the Grand Master, and has forsaken the Mandalorians." Tor's head turned quick and sharp the power of her glare felt through the visor.

    "Her father, her brother, they're still Mandalorian, you don't think she'll defend them? Or you?"

    Tor was quiet, looking ahead as she set her course."

    "If you do nothing, many good mandalorians will die, the galaxy will feel the sting, and your family will pay a high price." His red eye shined again. "Tor, it's time…"

    Letting out a long breath Tor set her course…


    It was time.

    She entered the system instantly met by herd ships fitted for war, their weapons instantly turned on Tor. She hesitated for a moment unsure of what to say before steadying herself.

    "This is Tor Dar'Solus, I wish to speak to Mandalore the Vengeant, my Buir." There was silence on the other end, a quartet of bessies flew out to intercept. Tor gripped the controls tighter. Mandalorians at the controls of a Bessie were some of the most terrifying things in the galaxy. They beat back the Vong, put the most significant dent into the invaders. Tor was ready to run if it came to it. Her heap wouldn't be any match for them.

    "Allow us to escort you…" A familiar voice, Hunter, one of Clone Squad 99.

    "It's good to have you back." Crosshair added. The other two that lined up with her had the markings of Clan Ordo the Cabur Variant, her father's clan and house, the people he died defending at the Second Battle of Mandalore. The guns held on her sweat started to bead on her forehead, Hunter moved his bessie in the path of the turbolaser, a show of defence, and defiance. The weapon moved away allowing the group to pass through the planetary shield.

    From there they landed on the closest landing zone to the palace, the frist thing to be rebuilt along with Mandalmotors tower. It looked more like a fortress, high walls marked with anti-air and anti-vehicle turrets. A large iron gate barred the entrance. As she landed the other mandalorians exited their fighters to join her. Flanked by Owen and Hunter, with Crosshair and the two clan Ordo behind her she marched up to the gate.

    "State your business!" A voice called down from high atop the gate.

    "I am Tor Dar'Solus, I wish to speak with the Mand'alor." There was a long pause, on her side, Owen rested his hand on his blaster, Hunter did the same. Her finger was resting on the controls for her jetpack, ready to scale the walls if she had to.

    "It's rather important so hurry it up." Hunter called up.

    The gate opened and the group was allowed to pass though they were under the watch of many guards with blasters trained. Though often one look from Owen or Hunter had them turning their gaze away.

    With her escort they marched unabated towards the throne room. The pair of Clan Ordo open the heavy doors that looked as though they could hold back a horde all on their own.

    "I've gotten you this far, the rest you have to do on your own." Owen whispered to her.

    "I know Ba'buir." The doors finally opened and seated on the throne, elevated over everyone around, was her, the Mand'alor, the Vengeant, the Iron Soul, her mother Ka'rta. Her armor was black, stained with red. About her shoulders was a pelt of some kind, wolf, wookiee, it was hard to tell. Around her was Rook Kast and her Deathwatch, about the only people that could stand to be near the Iron Emperor.

    "So are you finally here to do what must be done Ad'ika?" The term of endearment fell off her lips like a curse an insult. "Or do you wish to talk like your weak aunt, and pathetic sister." Tor took a breath, her mother was just trying to wind her up, make her angry. Many saw Ka'rta as just a strong crushing hand, good with a blaster and nothing else. They would be wrong, she was good at finding things that bolstered, and tore down. Then using her words to get what she needed from her friends and enemies.

    "I didn't want it to come to this Buir…" Tor remarked walking forward as her escort fell back. "Ka'rta of House Dar'solus, clan Dar'solus, I Tor of House Dar'solus, clan Dar'solus challenge you for the title of Manda'lor."

    "A formal challenge...I accept." Kast and her clan stepped away, forming a ring. As Ka'rta stepped down from the dias she removed the cape around her shoulders, hands resting on her twin blasters. Tor tapped her hip revealing the hilt of the darksaber. Slowly calmly she drew it from its place, with more careful movements she drew her lucky pistol. Ka'rta followed suit drawing her dual pistols. The pair locked eyes as they entered the ring.

    "I don't fear your dark blade Adi'ka."

    "And I don't fear you Buir."

    They stood, weapons drawn both staring at each other waiting to make the first move. One breath, then two breaths, Ka'rta twitched, Tor fired first her bolt catching her mother in the shoulder but doing no damage, the thick armor blocking the shot. A hail of bolts flew from Ka'rta's blasters; Tor dove to the side firing a few shots of her own. Red and gold were traded back and forth, a few hits were scored but the Mandalorian Iron would not be so easily defeated.

    Tor crouched lighting off her jetpack charging forward with her shoulder lowered aiming to bowl her mother over. Ka'rta stepped to the side but not enough getting clipped by the charging bounty hunter and being sent spinning. The elder warrior recovered rushing forward as Tor slid to a stop. More bolts rained down backing Tor up leaving her open to a low kick to her thigh that resounded through the hall. Iron and iron Ka'rta's leg was more like a club crashing into Tor. Tor lashed out with the darksaber, it was deftly blocked by a beskar gauntlet. Ka'rta thrust her blasters into her daughter's chest. A quick swipe of the darksaber cut the offending weapons in half. Tor brought the blade back arching it above her head and bringing it down on Ka'rta. The deadly blade was stopped by a knife, one made of resistant Iron.

    The challenger pressed her blaster up into Ka'rta's armpit but before she could pull the trigger she was knocked off balance by the Mand'alor sidestepping and knocking the saber arm away. With a quick slash Tor felt something warm above her hip. As she wheeled around she saw blood gracing her mother's blade. First strike to the older wiser warrior.

    A hail of bolts jumped from the lucky blaster as Tor rushed forward delivering a short quick slash low, seeing the ruse Ka'rta stepped back, but not far enough as the tip of the blade just grazed underneath her knee. Superficial maybe but it was an answer. Tor pressed on letting off a quick shot into Ka'rta's chest following it up with another slash across the waist of her mother. Another step back then Ka'rta surged back flipping her blade and driving it up towards Tor's armpit. A small turn was all that saved the younger fighter as the point deflected off her armor. The point of the Darksaber came thrusting through, Ka'rta turned with her daughter just avoiding that attack as well. Another pair of blasts into the exposed chest of Ka'rta had her staggering back. Not one to let this opportunity get away Tor stepped into a kick that caught her opponent right on the knee, driving her heel into the wound made previously. A slight grunt from Ka'rta was heard of the sound of crashing metal.

    Another overhead slash came crashing down blocked by Ka'rta's knife, in a desperate move Ka'rta wrapped her hand around the wrist that held the blaster. A war now on two fronts, Tor tried to press down with her saber but her mother resisted while she twisted the captured wrist. Soon the pain became too much and her hand released the blaster letting it clatter to the hard floor. Tor brought up her foot and shot it forward with force knocking Ka'rta back. More quick strikes with the darkblade push the Mand'alor back and back. Under pressure Ka'rta stepped to the side knocking Tor's hands away before driving her blade into the thin gap at Tor's waist. The blade dug into her hip bone, drawing a deep growl from Tor.

    Wheeling around their weapons met again both of them staring into each other's eyes, the fire there, they were wounded and fighting for their lives. Where they both thrived.

    Ka'rta grabbed at Tor hands, at the hilt of the blade and falling back bringing her feet up to send the young warrior tumbling. In one smooth motion Ka'rta got to her feet and brought the knife down on her supine opponent. Tor stopped the falling blade just in time, quickly shoving it away and rolling onto her stomach and popping to her feet to re-engage. Again her mother blocked the falling blade but, Tor wasn't deterred. With her off hand she wrapped her fingers around her mother's wrist and pushed. Ka'rta pushed back just has hard, both of them locked in a stalemate. The dark blade sparked off the hardened edge that was starting to glow with heat. Both snarled under their masks, drops of blood beginning to stain the ground.

    With a breath Tor deactivated the darksaber but held her grip on her mother's wrist. Before the other could react she brought the hilt lower, activating it and quickly bringing it up in a slash. It was quick and effective slicing through the captured wrist.

    A bellow echoed in the hall. A heavy clubbing punch caught Tor across the helmet sending causing her head to ring. A quick flick of the wrist and Ka'rta drove her knife into Tor's elbow. The darksaber fell to the ground, and Tor ripped the knife from Ka'rta's hand in an act of pure pained fury. Her knife too was sent scattering across the floor. With nothing left Tor tackled Ka'rta to the floor raining down hammer fists onto her defenseless opponent. Many were taken on Ka'rta's guard but a few slipped through, rocking the warrior. In a slight break in the punches Ka'rta threw a tight strike with her remaining fist that struck on Tor's injured side sending her rolling away. In a mad scramble Tor reached for her blaster while Ka'rta gathered up her knife. Tor just got to her back before firing an accurate, or lucky shot, that caught on the knife and sent it flying out of her mother's hand.

    Ka'rta dove onto Tor wrapping her one good hand around the blaster trying to rest control of it away. Tor fought back turning the blaster closer and closer towards her mother. Pulling her head back Tor threw it forward catching her mother square in the forehead. Ka'rta answered in kind, but it gave Tor the opening she needed to press the barrel of the blaster to the underside of Ka'rta's chin.

    "Yield!" Tor ordered through gritted teeth.

    "You're not…" Another headbutt, "Getting away…" Another blow, "That easy."

    Tor moved to the side rolling her mother onto her side pulling her hand away and firing a shot into Ka'rta's hip. A howl of pain resounded as Tor got to her feet leveling her blaster at Ka'rta's throat.

    "Yield." She shouted, "It's over."

    Ka'rta looked up breathing heavy.

    "Finish it Adi'ka."

    "Just stop."

    "I taught you better, finish it...finish me."

    "I won't."

    "You must."

    The blaster shook in Tor's hand.

    "Do it, I didn't train a coward."

    Tor's hand shook more, a tear rolling down her cheek. "Please..."

    "Never!" Ka'rta spat defiantly as she raised her wrist launcher.

    The shot rang out, Tor's barrel smoked and Ka'rta went limp.

    Tor fell to her knees holding her mother's head.

    "Call a medic!" She called out. "Now!"

    "Tor shes…"

    "NOW!" More tears fell from the woman's eyes. "I didn't mean...I'm sorry...I'm so sorry…"

    There was no reply, just pained gurgles as the Mand'alor passed.

    A medic was brought, but, all they could do was pronounce Ka'rta dead.

    The Mand'alor was dead...long live the Mand'alor...

    TAG: @Sinrebirth

  6. (Double post approved by @Sinrebirth )

    Heavy is the head

    The day had come, it was a day she'd known was coming. The beskar was gone. The lifeblood of the mandalorians was now gone, well, not gone, there were still pockets here and there but, the massive amounts that was uncovered nearly two decades ago, was no more. The recent reports from Mandalmotors confirmed it. There would be no more Bessies coming off the production line. They were still tough for certain, and could stand up to anything that remained but the simple fact was that soon, they would be too old, and they could no longer defend Mandalore.

    Tor, Mand'alor the Returned, had tried to reach out to neighboring systems trying to find a new source of metal, or enough of it to throw together a more substantial fleet than the horde of Bessies that she had. They were more than enough to hold the line, but how long could that line hold? They would need to modernize. But, she'd heard nothing back yet, a lot of damage had been done to the public image of Mandalore under the reign of her mother. A courier had been sent to Roche in the hopes of reestablishing contact with the Verpine, she had yet to hear back. On top of that there was a simmering civil war, as there always was. Rook and her Deathwatch wanted to strike as soon as possible to take advantage of the chaos, Ordo, a distant part of her clan now, wanted to hold fast and wait until the final fall happened, then pick up the pieces.

    Tor was torn, she wasn't about to start a war, that would be too much too soon, but she didn't just want to sit back and do nothing.

    On the same throne her mother and aunt sat, she stared into the distance.

    "Deep in contemplation." A deep gravelly voice sounded from over her shoulder. She didn't need to look, she knew who it was.

    "I seem to do that more these days ba'buir." She addressed her grandfather Owen. "How's Tech coming on dealing with those Vong parasites, are we any closer to fixing the Holo-net?"

    "He has a lot of theories but, all of them require resources that nobody has any more. And even if they did, no one is going to share them all."

    "What about the Republic, the Jedi?"

    "They're all disbanded or scattered, we're alone out here."

    "Great, great, Auntie trains me to reach out to others and there are no others to reach out to."

    Tor was in her thirties now, the same age her mother was when she became the ruler. Though she was looking at a very different Mandalore now. This was a people on the edge. They were stable, for now, but soon that sablity would shatter and all Tor could do was hold it together for as long as possible.

    A long breath left Tor.

    "Anything on the docket?"

    "No, but, things could change."

    "Tell me if they do…" There was very little chance that they would. It'd been four years, and every day was the same. It was enough to drive a person mad.

    She got up from the throne and returned to her room, removing her helmet, armor and weapons she sat on the bed. Looking at the end table she saw the holos of her and Leia, her mother, her father, all of them gone, or so far away they might as well be. Laying down she pulled out her com setting it to a frequency she knew, but also knew it wouldn't go anywhere.

    "Hey Leia, it's me, Tor." She curled up into a ball drawing the covers up over her. "I'm doing fine, really, Mandalore is still here. Waiting on you to get here so I can finally let the old man rest. You're supposed to help me here, miss best jedi in the world." She let herself laugh just a little. "You know Auntie never told me just how much there was to balance, how many voices there were to listen to. It's a lot and...and I'm having a hard time keeping my head above water. But what else is new huh?" Tears stung at her eyes, and her voice cracked. "I've always been out of my depth, taking on Graul, facing off with Palpatine, I was always flailing in the dark. I'm supposed to rule but, over what? Fractured clans that no longer listen to each other? I'm trying, I really am but, It's all a little much." A sniffle left her nose. "I miss you so much, so so much sis. You'd fix everything, make it all better I just know it." Tor buried her head into the pillow, taking a breath "Hey, you finally make an honest woman of Almira yet? Or you two still out of wedlock?" A pitiful laugh left her. "World's ending, might as well go down with someone you love." A juvenile chuckle left her at the unintentional double entendre she'd slipped into that line. ", now don't tell anyone," Her voice lowered into a conspiratorial whisper, "but, there was this guy. A balosar, another bounty hunter like me. We met on a job, something too big for either one of us. He was in need of a ride and I let him hitch a ride with me. You know I always thought boys were stupid and gross. Well let's just say he proved me wrong...I sent him a few messages before the galaxy went dark...We can guess where they went." She let out a loud exhale, "On the wind never to be seen again. You know, I still have the memories but, it doesn't fill the hole.

    I really do miss you Leia." She rubbed her eyes. "I'm sorry if I ever hurt you, I know I got really focused on Graul and I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Tor curled tighter hanging her head. "Please come home soon...please." She knew her pleas would fall on deaf ears but, at least it was out of her, out into the world.

    With another breath she let herself rest, waiting for the end of it all.

    TAG: @Sinrebirth

  7. OOC: A combo with @Sinrebirth

    IC: Qwi Xux, Beaumont Kin, IG88, Lowbacca, Tahiri
    Location: Ventura, Treskov system

    Five years had passed, and now Qwi was what Omwati considered old. Older and frailer.

    When she hit sixty six though she would be old and infirm. And she had hoped that she and Beaumont would be somewhere peaceful on their own. No such luck.

    They had led refugees into a new dark age and unlike Kesh she hoped this would work. Aboard Ventura they were about to go raiding and Imperial archives to boot with a motley crew.

    She noticed her lover's twitch. He probably didn't want her out there right now. But they were a pairing and wherever he went she would too.

    She continued watching the discussion silently.

    Beaumont carried on. "So can we go?"

    Tahiri shrugged. "Sooner it's done, sooner we can get back to Treskov."

    "Any indication of Vong or Sith?" IG asked, monotone. "Which faction destroyed the other depots?"

    "The Sith," Beaumont said, "from what we can tell."

    "So we need to assume they have a way to sense our arrival," the droid continued.

    "The Force doesn't quite work like that," Tahiri said. "With no HoloNet, we can't really expect them to come back."

    "Or to stay on a world they've drained for resources," Beaumont pointed out.

    "Sith countermeasures will be prepared," IG concluded.

    "Ready" Beaumont checked with Qwi one more time; her ship, her rules.

    Qwi nodded "We have no other choice. The galaxy sounds like it has literally gone feral and it's also sadly everyone for themselves".

    "If we need supplies then well, we will just have to be on our guard and fight if we have to. Let's get to it".

    The jump took them to Sarapin with no issues; it wasn't far from Treskov, not really, and it was safer than the civil war going on in the Corellian system. The yacht would have to content with the fiery atmosphere, but shields could tune it out and good piloting could manage the rest.

    As they neared the platform, however, there was a shiver in the Force.

    A dark one.

    "Did you feel that?" Tahiri said.

    Lowbacca keened his worry.

    Beaumont squeezed the back of Qwi's chair. "We need those supplies."

    "Indeed we do" Qwi sighed "Sith, I really hate those guys".

    She nodded her head towards the copilots "Will definitely need you my dear. As for the rest of you, stay sharp, we might have unwanted guests…."

    The ship settled in the northern hemisphere, and they were lucky - there was an old, Old Republic era shuttle craft there, as well as some energy stockpiles. Tahiri pointed. "Droid loaders, we should get started."

    Beaumont put down the ramp, and the Force jangled with the coming of the enemy... and a sensor confirmed a ship was approaching from the southern hemisphere...

    "We have twenty minutes."

    "I need a hand with these droids!" Tahiri called out, and Lowbacca headed down. Beaumont looked to Qwi. "I'll go and get that other ship ready." He kissed her. "Keep an eye on that Sith ship..."

    Qwi kissed him back "Roger that. If you get into trouble just shout through the bond. Don't hold back, I will come if called".

    "I may be frail but I can still fight".

    Beaumont rushed to get the ship up and running - the old, old ship. Lowbacca got the loading droids active, and then moved to the old ship to get that working. Tahiri managed the droids, used the Force to move apart boxes to pick out the supplies they absolutely needed first and foremost -

    Suddenly the ship began to pick up pace that was on its way -

    The IG droid chimed in. "We need more time. I recommend we engage them in the air."

    He looked at Qwi.

    She nodded. She hated leaving Beaumont down there but if it meant giving them more time….

    "Get to the guns" she commanded the droid as she shut the ramp and gunned the engines to lift the ship up.

    The Sith have sped up, she sent to Beaumont and the others am preparing to engage. Grab what supplies you can and go when ready.

    Beaumont acknowledged, and she would sense via their bond him giving urgent orders to Lowbacca and Tahiri.

    The yacht shot into the air, and in short order they'd recognise what was coming for them.


    IG made a noise of static panic. "Enemy is a Skipray blastboat. Recommend that we evade and retreat. Fuel is irrelevant in case of death, which we have a 98% chance of encountering."

    It was a very heavily armed ship for its size.

    Qwi blew out a breath, so a Skipray had come to play and was heavily armed? Could be pirates or Sith.

    She moved Ventura into position to cover Beaumont and his retreat. If he hurried up they could evade and get out.

    Heavily armed ship ahoy! Might need to hurry it up before I get blown to bits...

    The ship resonated in the dark; it was the Sith.

    Sith pirates.

    A missile shot out, and IG emitted a noise of alarm. "Evasive action!"

    Qwi did as ordered, feeling the darkness penetrate her and making her shiver.

    OK, they are definitely Sith. I can't hold them for long. Get moving!

    The missile curled around, chasing after them, and the IG spoke on. "Do we have anything we can eject? A chaff option?"

    Qwi shook her head "Not really no, we have to rely on good old fashioned evasive maneuvers and piloting. It might be a good idea if you know...fired back maybe?"

    "We need to give Beaumont and the others time to get off. Speaking of which…"

    She sent through the bond where are you? Hurry up!

    The droid made a noise of frustration and began taking pot-shots at the missile.

    It hit, and there was a detonation, but the blastboat was passed them and fired on the platform -

    There was a massive eruption, which for the briefest moment seemed to consume Beaumont, Tahiri and Lowbacca and then the old shuttle emerged from the flames, shields up, pushing for the sky. The blastboat adjusted, ignoring the shots that IG put into its shields.

    "We must ram it."

    Qwi let out a sigh of relief as Beaumont and the others escaped the fireball.

    But ramming the ship? It could mean death, or capture or any other number of things. Was there any other way? They couldn't dodge forever.

    Qwi felt sick. It could mean being away from Beaumont, sacrificing herself so he could live.

    She took a deep breath, blew it out. I love you she sent to Beaumont, one last time maybe. I cannot believe I am doing something this crazy…

    Qwi pushed the throttle forward to ram.

    Beaumont fired at the blastboat, impacting the forward shields, and then the yacht hit. The rear of the Skipray design was particularly fragile with its rear mounted on a rotating system, so it snapped with minimal fuss - through the nose of the yacht crumpled, and alarms sounded out.

    The blastboat listed and dipped, its engines damaged, and Beaumont came across the comms. "Well that was an insane move."

    IG spoke up. "Damage was minimal, though our forward sensors are gone. Hull integrity was compromised but the damaged sections do not impact the cockpit."

    "So it's all fine," Beaumont said sarcastically.

    "Yes," IG confirmed.

    "Can we go? You said that the Keshiri mastered thought-crying, so I bet they called their friends."

    She had heard nothing from Beaumont via their bond but it was definitely time to exit.

    "Desperate times, desperate measures my dear. Although I definitely will not be doing that move again".

    Qwi pulled the Ventura away and headed out towards deep space.

    She had gotten away with one there.

    Beaumont let her know all was well via their bond, and aloud, called for them to jump to Treskov.

    The blastboat was hidden in the lava fumes, and they were able to get home...

    ... a ChaseMaster frigate appeared in orbit, and IG snapped. "Punch it!"

    Qwi simply nodded and did as she was told, activating the hyperdrive and heading for home.

    TAG: @Sinrebirth

  8. OOC: Combo with GM

    IC: Feyna and Isolder

    Star Home, Roquo Depot, East

    Feyna was awake, listening to the kids' muffled bickering down the hall; even now it seemed odd and unfair to ask a sixteen-year-old boy to share a room with his now-adolescent sister, but presently they had no other option.

    She'd noticed that her husband was not asleep either, but she'd chosen not to break the silence. Let them both pretend for a bit longer that there wasn't another difficult day ahead.

    Whatever was left of the New Republic, if it could even be said to still exist, no longer functioned. Barely any communications, a single, fractured fleet, and no real government. They were reduced to raiding to survive, and Feyna still wasn't sure how to feel about it.

    Guilt was a predominant feeling in her life these days.

    How much of their loss was her fault was debatable, but she didn't argue that she'd definitely had a hand in it. It was easier to feel bad about wrong decisions when you won the war, but a leader also had to take responsibility for their mistakes in times of defeat, as well. Palpatine was dead, that much was confirmed, and the Vong had taken a hard hit from Centerpoint, but in the long run, it didn't seem to matter much.

    And for Feyna and Isolder, it was a double-blow, as the resultant Hapan Civil War essentially forced them into exile. Feyna blamed herself for that as well, alongside Galney and AlGray and the Vong. Ta'a Chume was probably cursing at Feyna from the grave. It was hard to look her husband in the eye some days.

    "I don't think I can do it," Isolder's voice finally broke through the quiet.

    Feyna turned over to face him. She wasn't sure she wanted to know, but she asked anyway, "What do you mean?"

    "Keep this up," Isolder admitted, staying on his back.

    "It's been five years, and we've not been able to put anything back together."

    He looked at her. "Between the Sith and the rogue GEMINI droids and the Yuuzhan Vong... I don't see how we can win this one, not really. We've tried almost everything."

    Feyna gave a small nod against her pillow. She had days when she felt like that, too. "I know. I'm not crazy about any of this, either.

    "What options do we have left, though?"

    It didn't need saying that they didn't have the strength for another full-scale war, and even raids were risky. They weren't even really fighting anyone in particular now, they were just trying to survive.

    Something had to change, soon.

    "Unless we do something different, we're going to be ground down slowly but surely. We're not building anything anymore... we're just... surviving." Isolder wanted to change the tide of things, but wasn't sure how.

    "We need to think outside the box somehow..." He turned back onto his back. "Maybe we need to give up on Hapes..." It pained him to say it, but...

    Feyna reached over to gently grasp his arm, trying to be comforting, knowing how much it hurt him to suggest such a thing. It hurt to hear, too.

    But those noble Houses that had been loyal to her had been lost in the civil war, and the Consortium was as divided as the rest of the galaxy; every world for itself.

    "Until we have a stronger fleet, I don't see us retaking Hapes any time soon," she admitted. "I know it's hard, but we just don't have the numbers for something that big right now."

    "So we move on, move off, try to find somewhere else to build, regroup. The noble houses squandered more firepower and resources here than most sectors..." Isolder shook his head. "Or we just bite the bullet and ask Ka'rta for help. Join up - even on her terms."

    She made a face, but quickly resumed a more neutral expression. They couldn't really afford to be too picky at the moment. Desperate times, desperate measures, and all--and they were pretty damned desperate. "If the Mandalorians will even help. Ka'rta never has been very friendly with the Republic, and I don't think she likes me personally very much."

    It wouldn't surprise her at all if Ka'rta refused purely out of spite.

    He sat up. "Well, we're out of options. Unless you can think of something else, I reckon we should head straight to Mandalore and ask for help." Isolder hesitated. "Do we take the Star Home, or something smaller? Or do we bring force, just in-case?"

    Feyna started to get up as well, mulling it over. "We'll seem less threatening with something smaller, but I'd still rather have some backup, just in case."

    "Without the HoloNet, we can't coordinate with the flotilla..." Isolder began to think to himself. "If we turn up with the Rogues, that will be small enough to not be a threat, but we won't be without a decent response. Tycho has a decent squadron... and we have enough torpedoes and blaster gas to fully equip them and an Ambassador-class shuttle," he said, referring to a Hapan shuttlecraft.

    "Do you think that'll work?"

    Isolder wondered aloud. "And tell Winter to bring the Obi-Wan if we don't get back in... two days?"

    "I think that sounds reasonable," Feyna nodded as she sorted out her clothes for the day.

    Isolder took a deep breath and held Feyna's hand. "Sorry. I'm not coping as well as I want to be."

    He sagged a little. "We're going to be okay, right?"

    She felt a fresh pang of guilt as he apologized, and it made her question her own behavior--did he think she was judging him? Was she coming across as too indifferent? If she was, it wasn't her intention.

    As to whether they'd be all right: she wasn't sure if he was just wondering aloud about the Mandalore trip, or if there was more to the question, and the honest answer, whichever way, was I don't know, but she wasn't going to say that.

    She clasped his hand in both of hers, gave it a squeeze. "I hope so."

    TAG: @Sinrebirth mention for @galactic-vagabond422

  9. IC: UnuTobias
    The Nest
    In the half-decade Tobias Vox had crashed landed unto the mysterious world he found himself... he had done much, grown beyond in power greater than he could have dreamed of.

    But his journey, his plan was only just beginning. Much had shifted in the time he had spent curled within himself. Learning, growing, scheming.

    He flexed his fingers, his mind whirring. He was not the same man that had been here so long ago... and yet...

    "We must capture the Bilbringi shipyards..." he intoned softly, his voice had shifted greatly since his jaw had been broken and then repaired. It was now deeper, almost a sense that multiple people were speaking at the same time with each word he uttered.

    "From there and with that technology we can use it as a jumping-off point to invade Adumar..." he intoned softly, feeling the edges of his newly created mask.

    "But perhaps first we should capture the Qoribu system... and the Chiss there... a governmental experiment to see how we can govern other species into our amassing Empire,"

    He tilted his head, thinking out loud further.

    "In either case, we need the shipyards... those must be our priority,"

    The Killiks had no sense of morality, of fairness or right and wrong.

    They merely followed Unu, and Unu was Tobias.

    The Qoribu system floated to mind; it was a handful of planets and moons, four of which were habitable. They had three Nests there, and the Chiss were negotiating in good faith for the moment. The Killiks believed they could accept jobs in Chiss space and be led to whatever planets they had. There was a Chiss-class Star Destroyer at the system edge - should they try to take it?

    Bilbringi was being fought over by Yuuzhan Vong and Sith and Eternal cruisers, but not in a direct fashion due to how weak each group was. The Killiks proposed mining their worlds and creating an eight kilometer long Nest ship, which would drain their worlds but enable them to transport a full Nest to the planet - it would take them a week. Their methane-dart ships would struggle against modern starfighters, but they had numbers. Death was nothing to a Killik.

    Adumar they worried would resist, and the warriors there were more well-armed than even the groups squabbling over Bilbringi, albeit planet-locked. They would need multiple nests to take that human world...

    Unu was pleased to state that communication remained instantaneous within the hive; they had no need for a HoloNet with their mind.

    UnuTobias tilted his head in quiet thought... yes if the Killiks accepted jobs in Chiss space they could begin to integrate into the planet, preparing it for perhaps a relatively peaceful annexation. So far now, no violence on that front.

    His will was crafted forward to the Killiks, preparing to create a Nest Ship to take the abandoned but sought-after shipyards in the Bilbringi system. At that staging ground, and with the technology there future expansion would become easier. He also wondered if perhaps if he should be more forthright with the Chiss, seeking to obtain their technology and integrate it within the hive. If they took the Star Destroyer would the Killiks be able to reverse engineer the ship, and then become capable of building more?


    In any case they would have to bide their time before taking Adumar, gain the necessary strength and technology before taking the system.

    The Killiks drummed their chests and the hives began. The dreadnought would shape up in no time at all, and the Killiks would offer their lives and bodies to the Colony. To propagate and create, that was their goal.

    There was a glimmer of shadow, an almost skeletal sense of approval as to Unu's activity, but it left, and he had his empire to build and grow anew.

    TAG: @Sinrebirth

    Last edited: Oct 25, 2021
  10. OOC: Combo with @Sinrebirth

    IC: Barriss

    She stared at the image of the limping slave ship, deep in thought. She focused on the Force signature, trying to figure out who it was...

    "I should go," Barriss told her wife and daughter. "I think this is something that I need to be there for."

    Zara was up and dressing. "Tell the Tetan's to switch off the mines; we can't stop a ship that big, so it's a waste of mines to do so."

    Luminara nodded and sent a message along the relays. It wasn't as quick as the HoloNet, but the lag was only a matter of minutes. Their ship was already prepared, and they could get into the air in another set of minutes. Zara looked to Barriss as they spooled up the hyperdrive.

    "Latest grav coordinates are in..."

    The latest update was that the slaveship had passed the mines, and was now above Empress Teta -

    Barriss didn't waste any time, making the jump to lightspeed as soon as possible.

    By the time they arrived the Yuuzhan Vong slaveship in orbit above the capital, capture tentacles extending down to the surface. It looked like a full-blown siege. The Force continued to reach out, beg for help, for anyone -

    A memory would hit Barriss hard.

    It was Finn.

    Finn Galifridian.

    Zara swore. "It's bigger than a miid ro'iik," she exclaimed, referencing the Yuuzhan Vong Imperial Star Destroyer equivalents. "What are we going to do?"

    Barriss sat there in silence. She glanced down at the Force saber she had decided to keep. She had even practiced with it over the last five years, in case she ever needed to fight again.

    "I don't know," she admitted, feeling a bit helpless. She actually had no experience fighting the Vong, having always avoided a confrontation with them. "I'm not sure what we can do except maybe try to save anyone we can."

    The Yuuzhan Vong ship, her senses confirmed, was crewed by natives of this galaxy - angry, panicked, and fearful ones. Zara frowned. "Sensors reckon it's Wookiees, humans, Rodians, Twi'leks, Duros..."

    Empress Teta was calling for help on all wave-lengths, and a wave of ships were lifting off to escape already.

    Finn oriented on Barriss sent a message across.


    "Do you see a way onto the ship?" Barriss asked, frowning as she tried to make sense of this.

    Zara pointed at the display. "This is a Vong docking port. It's a tube that expands to us. We should be able to set up besides it and settle on." She looked to Barriss. "What do you think we can do from the inside?"

    "Whatever we can," Barriss said as they approached the docking port.

    The membrane accepted them, and almost immediately there was a woman waving to them. "I'm Finn's sister, Kaye," she said, and Zara remembered her.

    "What's going on?"

    "The refugees have mutinied, they've taken the bridge and brought us here -" She waved for them to follow her. "If we free my brother, he can stop this."

    Zara looked to Barriss for her thoughts -

    Barriss nodded, taking out her forcesaber. "Alright, let's go," she told Kaye. She looked back at her wife. "You want to stay here with the ship?"

    Zara hesitated. "Good idea." She patted the blaster on her waist. "I'll make sure we have a ship to run with."

    Kaye was already on her way, leading Barriss through the coral corridors. In short order they made it to the prison. It was basically an alcove, but protected by three gangly looking humans. Kaye whispered. "Peace Brigade. They're a group of thugs that want to join the Yuuzhan Vong galaxy, repurpose their ships, and accept the Vong as our new overlords. We picked them up by accident at Reecee, and before we knew it, they'd taken the ship. We're pretty sure they've been infiltrating us for years. Most of the refugees are trapped in the central 'belly' under guard."

    The three men had blasters in hand, and Kaye had none. "I'm good in a fight, before you wonder."

    Barriss nodded. "Hopefully a fight won't be necessary," she whispered to Kaye. She had spent the last five years strengthening her connection to the Force after having cut herself off from it for so long. Though she had hoped to never use the Force against others, she knew she had to still be prepared to do so.

    She stepped into view and gestured at the men, trying to use the Force to pull the blasters from their hands. "You will stand down and surrender," Barriss spoke, attempting a mind trick.

    The three men looked at her blankly as their blasters left their hands -

    A moment later, Finn was up and had punched one unconscious, and by the time the other two realized, Kaye was on them and they were down and out, both their necks at unnatural angles.

    The King of Artorias looked over to Barriss. "Jedi Barriss, it has been a while!" He scooped up a blaster, as did Kaye, who offered the third to Barriss. "The bridge is this way."

    He hesitated in-case Barriss had anything to add.

    "Lead the way," Barriss said simply, though she turned down the blaster that he offered her. She didn't need it.

    Kaye kept both, and Finn did as he said, leading them up the ship so they ended up peering down into the control area. There were six men this time, led by a seventh, Imsatad, a former Imperial who had survived the Battle of Corellia and given up to the Yuuzhan Vong.

    He had his hand on his comlink. "Murno, let me know how it's going. I'm blowing up buildings but someone switched off that mine-field and I want to know why."

    "What's the plan?" Barriss whispered to the siblings, not wanting to just barge in without any communication between them.

    Kaye pulled a face at Barriss and Finn and leapt up, jumping down into the pit and shooting two men in the head as she went. Diving behind a console, Finn swore and took a shot at the apparent leader, leaving Barriss to provide cover as the four other Brigaders pointed their weapons - one at Kaye, three up at her and Finn -

    Barriss frowned and reached out with the Force, targeting the weapons of the Brigaders. She tried to either pull the blasters out of their hands or throw off their aim so that they missed their targets.

    Bolts began to fly into the walls but Finn still had to duck, and Kaye too. Imsatad pulled a rebreather out from a pocket and made his way towards a living console -

    The guards began to do the same, firing one handed -

    Barriss saw Imsatad moving towards the console and she grabbed him with the Force, pulling him away. While she did this, she also pulled out her Forcesaber and used it to slap away a few of the bolts that were now flying around.

    The bolts went back into the guards, and Imsatad cried out. "Jedi!"

    He tumbled to the ground, and Kaye and Finn shot the last guards.

    The Brigadier leader sat up. He had a villip in his hand and was scrambling to escape the room -

    Finn swore, pointed his blaster, took a shot, missed -

    "After him!"

    Kaye headed to the coral console, and began reaching into it. "I'm gassing the capture tubes, that'll take care of the Brigadiers -"

    "The coma gas?" Finn said, worried.

    "I was gonna use the poison -"

    "The city may suffer - coma gas," he snapped.

    "Coma gas, fine - go after that guy already!"

    Finn jumped down, landing awkwardly.

    Barriss was already after the Brigadier leader. When she was close enough and able to focus, she reached out and grabbed the man with the Force to stop him in his tracks.

    He tumbled to the ground as the villip spoke. "Message received. You have earned my thanks, infidel."

    The stone inverted, and Imsatad laughed. "Too late, Jedi scum. Lah knows you're here." He grinned, and cracked a tooth. There was a foul smell, and a poison capsule took the man away.

    "Well we're borked now," said Finn, who had caught up. He stepped over to the villip, and crushed it with his foot. "That was Qurang Lah. He rules Ruan. He'll he coming for Empress Teta now."

    Barriss frowned. "So what do we do?"

    A shadow crossed Finn's face and the Force rumbled. "We'll need to get ready… or evacuate Empress Teta."

    He turned to wave her after him. "Master Jedi, we'll need to call a council. With your people and mine. The Vong have suffered as bad as everyone else, trust me."

    He headed deeper into the ship, while Kaye sorted out cleanup. Zara caught up, and by the time she heard what had happened, her gaze hardened. "Well, we knew it would happen one day - so let's get to it. I'll get Luminara on the line."

    The Force was apprehensive, but also anticipatory. They'd survived five years, this wasn't a war against unknown technology and peoples now - they knew how to fight; but did they know how to win?

    Barriss also reflected on how people kept referring to her as a Jedi, even though she never identified herself as one. She didn't correct them either, because it was obvious that the galaxy needed Jedi. That the galaxy needed people they could put their faith in.

    But was Barriss one of them?

    TAG: @Sinrebirth

  11. IC: Isolder
    The shuttle Ambassador, Mandalore orbit, North

    The words were spoken.

    "This is General Tycho Celchu of Rogue Squadron, escorting the shuttle Ambassador, passengers being Queen Mother Organa-Chume'da and Prince Isolder, please respond."

    Isolder pressed his lips firmly together. They were committed now.

    Mandalore looked... bad, frankly. It's moon was broken in three, orbiting near each part but not in any way which looked natural.

    The squadron had weapons down and shields too, but engines and hyperdrives at the ready.

    Tycho continued. "We wish to speak to Mandalore the Vengeant."

    News travelled almost instantly across the Mandalore Sector. Venku himself almost ran for his ship back on Concord Dawn. This could blow up - especially as Rook Kast was on Mandalore.

    "We don't need no stinkin' auretiise," she spoke over the comms from Mandalore. Her ship was powering up, getting ready to lead her squadron into orbit and blow the New Republic forces to space-dust.

    She didn't refer to Tor; Rook hated the girl for killing her perfect Mand'alor. Ka'rta's death was one that Rook had never gotten over, and she would never, in her heart of hearts, accept Tor, Darksaber or not.

    TAG: @JediMasterAnne, @galactic-vagabond422 (combo)
    IC: Maal Lah

    Rodia, East

    The Yuuzhan Vong was a great orator, and he spoke long and hard about what had to be done. Some Rodians even attended the affair, those with honour, those who were warriors and hunters - or those who had been chosen by Anor so many years before.

    Ike stood at the rear of the room with folded arms, listening via tizowyrm. Even after two decades serving the Vong he didn't know the language. For the overwhelming majority of the chambers inhabitants were Yuuzhan Vong, not just those Maal Lah had brought to Rodia but also those who had gravitated to the planet in the time passed - as a kind of refugee world.

    A timeline away, more Yuuzhan Vong actually lived on Rodia than Zonama Sekot, but here, there was no Sekot, only death and destruction.

    "It is time for us to do what we do not want to. We must decapitate the heads of the Yuuzhan Vong people and begin anew; through pain we will rise up, reborn, recreated!" He roared. "No Sith will dominate our destiny, nor will Domain lines split and weaken us. We shall take back our destiny from those who would demand it belong to a handful. My brothers, they must be defeated; their worlds, seized for our great Empire."

    Roars of support.

    "We stand as the New Yuuzhan Vong, and our prophet, Yu'shaa," he indicated Anor, who would undoubtedly hate that, "has shown us the way. There is honour in the people of this galaxy - the peoples who fought and bloodied us. By taking them unto us, we become stronger! We make them Yuuzhan Vong! We make us different, and strong! The old ways led us to slavery, but never again! What the elite called heresy, is only our salvation! No longer are we shamed by our defeat and the lies we believed - no! Today!"

    His pitch rose up.

    "Today we are Extolled!"

    Ike had, before this, stepped over to Anor, muttered. "I've seen the reports that Maal Lah has. Quarang probably has a shipwomb. If he has a worldship… or most of one… what's the plan?"

    The briefing would begin - Anor was expected to speak, to offer what he could and knew.

    TAG: @Mitth_Fisto
    IC: Finn Galifridian

    briefing, above Empress Teta, Inner Systems

    "The Yuuzhan Vong call it a shipwomb," Finn said, giving a name to the image projected by the lambents. Zara was here with Barriss, and so too was Finn and Kaye, and projected to the discussion was the latest Empress Teta as well as Luminara back on Byss.

    She spoke up. "I'm more concerned by the battleship analog. That's two kilometres of coral and plasma. With those frigates and corvettes… we can't beat Quarang Lah."

    The name of the local remnant Vong commander was supplied by Imsatad by interrogation, and the data was from scout runs by droid patrols. The Byss-Teta community had known about the Vong capture of Ruan and its agricultural systems, which only played into their analysis that the enemy was in-fact refugees of a sort.

    "Yes but while we can't fight the battleship…" Kaye said. "We can strike at the shipwomb, and force them to retreat."

    Zara whistled. "Isn't that building a new planetary worldship?"

    "It is, and that's why we can't let it be finished," Finn said.

    "What can we do about something that massive?" Teta said, the woman speaking carefully.

    "Well," Finn admitted. "I was hoping that some Jedi wisdom would help. We were on way to the Deep Core to find allies when the Peace Brigade took their shot."

    The inhabitants of the slave ship had been freed since then, and the Tetans treated for coma gas. The brigadiers were all currently under trial, with execution on the cards.

    This was war, and they were helping their genocidal enemies.

    TAG: @CosmoHender (combo)
    IC: Beaumont Kin

    Treskov, Inner Systems

    When they returned to their refugee redoubt, Beaumont had bad news. "They've found us."

    "Mathematics dictated it would happen eventually," stated IG-88.

    "Yeah but," Tahiri said. She yeah definitely the sensor feed from the systems edge. An elderly ChaseMaster frigate, probably liberated from some Corporate Sector scrapyard, was prowling the distance, but it wasn't specific, nor focused. It was probing, coming closer and closer.

    It also stank in the Force.


    Lowbacca figured out something and keyed into a remote. "- this is Grand Lord Workan. We know you were at Sarapin, and we know your number includes the scum Qwi Xux and Beaumont Kin. Turn them over to us, and we shall elevate those who do into our ranks."

    Beaumont bristled; Workan. One of the last High Lords from Kesh. Clearly he'd had a promotion.

    "It's an untargeted transmission," said Tahiri. "Nobody in Treskov can hear it."

    "Yet," pointed out IG-88.

    "Nor do they know where we are," Tahiri retorted.

    "Also yet," said IG-88.

    The fuel, energy and supplies they'd taken from Sarapin had been put to good use, charging water purifiers and droids and environmental shields on the less hospitable worlds in the Redoubt. This included their TIE droid swarms - some 216 fighters - and even topped up the engines and even blasters of a trio of former-smuggler freighters - all hardy YT-1300 designs. Between the hundreds of mines at the choke point and the shield generator on Ebaq 9, they were well prepared.

    "It comes down to whether we want to hunker down and fight it out… or try and find allies before the Sith being the rest of their forces here," Beaumont said. "I doubt they have just one frigate."

    TAG: @Jerjerrod-Lennox (combo)
    IC: Unu

    The Colony, Unknowns

    In short order the nest ship took shape.

    The Killiks had no understanding of deflector shields and so built the massive vessel with multiple layers - an egg within an egg.

    They layered it with all physical-firing guns rather than energy weapons, and managed just about to figure out how to graft the hyperdrive of UnuTobias's ship you the massive construct and adapt it and upscale it. The hyperdrive was not fit for purpose and the Killiks buzzed in anticipation of it lasting a single jump. Sublight drives were still methane, and slow at that compared to modern drives.

    But it was an eight kilometre vessel and mass was a point, especially this far into the End of Time. The Chiss accepted Killik workers and slowly but surely individuals began drew into the hive mind, but it would take time, and the Chiss were as xenophobic as they were careful.

    The time came to launch for Bilbringi. Unu loaded the nest ship included Iesei, a group of Killiks that had a long history and even accounts of their service to the Sith, and the Kosolosok, lumbering tank-like Killiks. Among them were the Wuluw, who were particularly telepathic. A great excitement filled the Unu mind, and asked UnuTobias is they intended to join the Nest Ship on its maiden voyage.

    TAG: @Shadowsun (combo)

    TAG: @Adalia-Durron (combo using prior TAG)

    TAG: @HanSolo29 (combo continues)

    TAG: @TheSilentInfluence, @darthhelinith, @darthbernael (combo continues)

    TAG: @TheAdmiral (last weeks TAG as discussed)

    TAG: @Darth Cocytus (combo continues)

  12. IC: Executor Vezrra Anor - Combo with Sinre ~Retro Post as slower than GM~
    Within Rodia, West

    She laid there, contemplating the state of things. She had been shepherdess to many worldships. Leading those of her own clan to several worlds, including here. Although here she had also brought a lesser Shaper and Warrior caste Worldships. Planted and growing as they were now grounded, old and dying - being consumed and used to grow the new expanses of the Yuuzhan Vong upon this world. She had several such worlds she had prepared and shepherded across the times of her tenure, but this was her crowing growth and thriving achievement.

    For all of that success, the Yuuzhan Vong were wilting without a Supreme Leader. Of that problem there was the issue that there was only the potential successors had been the Lah siblings, Maal, Khalee and Qurang, and they had been unable to come to an accord and no amount of usage of the villip network would rally a unified populace again.

    Khalee had settled upon Eriadu, having butchered the surrounding sector... Qurang had taken the resource-rich worlds of Salliche Ag, fighting an endless resistance over the twenty-eight planets there. But Maal, well, he had tried to piece together what had happened to the Yuuzhan Vong leadership - to Kwaad, to Drathul, to Jakan, to Nas Choka.

    That was a dangerous tract, as it would bring him eventually to her. The miid ro'iik arrived above Rodia, the world that Anor had handed to Khalee Lah five years ago.

    The rock in Anor's collection rumbled, and Ike woke from the bed he was in.

    "Um, Anor, you've a call?"

    Sitting up she waved a hand that lowered a cognition hood. It merely took a moment to see the vessel that had arrived, the sorry state that it was in. "He has come. At last." she muttered more to herself than to Ike.

    Holding out a hand she waited for Ike to bring her the villip for her to answer with. She wanted to keep not only an eye on who she was talking to, but to his ship as well.

    Once in her hands she squeezed it, letting it invert itself. "Mehaynree bele lozia."

    -Welcome to Rodia.

    "I did wonder if you'd ended up back here," Maal Lah muttered in Yuuzhan Vong.

    "We lost. The Yuuzhan Vong people are fractured, broken. The villips can no longer address us all - most of the factions that do exist are opposed." His expression darkened. "My fleet was a multi-domain force - it split along those lines and left. My Domain is undone... I could not tell you about Domain Anor."

    Continuing in Yuuzhan Vong she clicked her tongue in contemplation. "If they followed my advice and my warning they should be fine. If I had known of Onimi sooner. . .perhaps more would be better off." she stated with frustrated growl. "You, one of the three contenders for Supreme Leader did not come to whimper over the dead and the lost. What will you of me?"

    "We need to rebuild, to create a new Yuuzhan Vong Empire," Maal Lah said. "To hunt down and kill my siblings, and prove that whoever triumphs is worthy to be the new Supreme Overlord."

    He swallowed.

    "I need your assistance. This world - you had plans for it, beyond just the hinges. I know the Anor's - your family dabbled in Shaping even though you were Intendants. We need yammosks that cannot be jammed, dovin basils that cannot be duped."

    "You speak of using the eighth cortex of the Qang qahsa. Or more heretical - that we attempt to make what was given to us better." She narrowed her eyes. This would be telling, "Do I understand you? Do you wish to take this path?"

    Maal Lah grimaced. "The Old Ways led us to the Sith. We worshipped the Immortal Gods of the Sith, and they failed us. If we are to survive, we must evolve."

    He would have stood up straight in the presence of Anor, but on a villip chat there was no need. "I have sealed this room from the others. We can speak freely."

    Looking aside she smiled through her jagged lips, gutturally sighing into that moment. "Then we are aligned, and you without the benefit of speaking with Yun-Yammka as I did by chance many ages back." She quirked an eye at him with that statement. "Yun-Yammka approved and said Yun-Harla would as well. I appreciated that when I survived after I tried to kill him, unawares. By that I knew Palpatine false if by nothing else. Those who have come here have been prepared, you must prepare those with you. Or choose your lies."

    "I can talk around my warriors. The subalterns and shapers will follow," Maal said.

    "Do we have... permission to land, Anor? My miid ro'iik needs to draw sustenance from the ground so it may rise again. Our yammosk is tired, exhausted by the long journey." He hesitated. "If it as you say and Yun-Yammka and Yun-Harla approve, then we may yet be saved."

    Pulling up a map of her chosen world she soon found a prescribed out of the way location away from the dying worldships. "Sending you landing site now." with a demure grin she waited a breath as she felt her eye sacks throb in time to her heart before adding the few words. "Welcome to Rodia. Welcome to a world preparing."

    Maal Lah came to the surface in good time, the miid ro'iik settled to the ground and began to feed, the coral hull absorbing dirt and nutrients. He stepped down the oblate tongue of a ramp, and caught their thread of conversation.

    "Preparing for what?"

    Turning her head she flashed her teeth even as she flushed a faint purple at the words that followed, "Why for life, all aspects - by all the Yun."

    Maal was sceptical. "Oh? Are you a Prophet now, calling yourself Yu'Shaa?"

    He looked concerned that he had traded one religious manipulator - Palpatine - for another.

    She laughed, throatily and loud, "I am no priestess. I am merely of my caste a mere Executor, I prepare paths and neutralize threats. That is all that is given to me to do." she stated with humble air and bowed head, her eyes half lidded.

    A scoff. "What path have you seen for the broken Yuuzhan Vong people?"

    "None. But I was taught what is needed. Worlds, systems, and a Leader. I can find and supply the first two. The rest, the last can only be supplied by the Yun - a Supreme Leader." She stated with a questioning cant of her head. Waiting for him to guide where this would go next. She would be elevated or flee once more, his words would decide the course.

    Maal looked at him. "We'll need to kill my brothers. Qurang, and Khalee, before a leader can be decided. They won't allow for it to be any but themselves, and neither are equipped to rule. Quarang would disband all the castes apart from the warriors... Khalee is a zealot."

    "Whoever becomes the Yun after I could not care less," the man folded his arms. "It can be you if you really want it." He hesitated. "Is it true that Palpatine's jester, Onimi, used yammosk cells to control our leaders... and that you killed him?"

    "It is true. Yuuzhan Vong were made to be masters, not mere slaves!" she spat at the last. "If you need a witness, I have kept one that can attest to these things."

    "Oh?" Maal groused. "A witness?"

    Ike waved from a corner of the grove.

    "Who is this Infidel?" Maal growled.

    "Palpatine did not keep any Yuuzhan Vong close to him besides Onimi. He was not fond of any near that were not under his thumb. So this, thing, is the best surviving servant that was witness to what happened." she stated side look of disdain. Ike should of taken the living robes she had given him to change into, to appear in less than that or more than would be an insult. Hopefully he had had enough survival instincts.

    Ike was dressed in the living robes, mainly because they made him feel like he was naked all the time, and he bowed over his arm. "I served Palpatine as his Hand. I can confirm that Onimi was that threat, and killing him freed the Yuuzhan Vong."

    "Freed," scoffed Maal Lah. "Free to fight among ourselves." His eyes took in Anor. "You keep this one for yourself?"

    "Not my type -" Ike began.

    "We consort with all kinds of heresy now," Maal said with some finality. "Come, show me what you have shaped, and we shall make a plan to defeat my brothers."

    Grinning through her flayed lips she chuckled, "I keep him as he had use for this day. Now he must find some other use, or die trying." she sniffed softly as she turned. Ike knew what he was here for, and he had always known he needed to show worth. She had no worries he would fail to find. . .something.

    "As for what I have shaped, that is for me to use. What I have nurtured and guided to safe harbors? Those I will show you, and of those you must convince." Looking over her turned shoulder with a twinkle in her eye gave a guttural purr. "One does not replace Shimraa by choice, you must prove and convince them. I am no Onimi shaping our people to follow my choice, that is either your task, or your brothers as the gods - and the priests - ordain."

    TAG: @Sinrebirth (Prior to last GM post ;) )

  13. IC: Jori II Atreus


    The Force had a peculiar sense of humor. Once she had almost everything she wanted. Power, physical comforts, good prospects as the heiress to one of the most influential worlds in the Galaxy.

    Now, all that is gone. Her family almost eradicated, her world in shambles. She was now the Queen of the Cinder. But Jori did not want to give up. Not yet. Just out of spite. To show that kriffing machine hanging over their heads what humans can do.

    She should not have taken that invitation back then… Not that she had much choice in the matter, but it did not matter. Not after what had happened.

    There should be a way to connect to the rest of the Galaxy. There should be other survivors. The Republic, the Jedi, even the Empire and the Sith… There must be someone out there!

    But first to live through this attack. Jori raised her blaster, during her time in the underground resistance she had to give up being a pampered princess and learn to be a soldier. She was going to fight alongside her people.

    "Get ready!" she snapped "Prepare to engage the enemy." Jori ordered.

    TAG: @Sinrebirth

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 28, 2021
  14. IC: Executor Vezrra Anor / Senator Greeata Shychuvooq
    Rodia, East

    Maal Lah was a great orator, and he spoke long and hard about what had to be done. Some Rodians even attended the affair, those with honor, those who were warriors and hunters - or those few representatives whom Anor had been chosen for this situation to be the face of the group or live stock she had sequestered.

    Ike stood at the rear of the room with folded arms, listening via tizowyrm. Even after two decades serving the Vong he didn't know the language. The man was a slow learner and she honestly was wondering what he was good for, but hopefully he would reveal that soon. Before she had to kill him.

    "It is time for us to do what we do not want to. We must decapitate the heads of the Yuuzhan Vong people and begin anew; through pain we will rise up, reborn, recreated!" He roared. "No Sith will dominate our destiny, nor will Domain lines split and weaken us. We shall take back our destiny from those who would demand it belong to a handful. My brothers, they must be defeated; their worlds, seized for our great Empire."

    Roars of support. This guy was good, but that was why he was a contender.

    "We stand as the New Yuuzhan Vong, and our prophet, Yu'shaa," he indicated Anor, if looks could maim - if looks could maim hers would in that moment, "has shown us the way. There is honor in the people of this galaxy - the peoples who fought and bloodied us. By taking them unto us, we become stronger! We make them Yuuzhan Vong! We make us different, and strong! The old ways led us to slavery, but never again! What the elite called heresy, is only our salvation! No longer are we shamed by our defeat and the lies we believed - no! Today!"

    His pitch rose up.

    "Today we are Extolled!"

    Ike had, before this, stepped over to Anor, muttered. "I've seen the reports that Maal Lah has. Quarang probably has a shipwomb. If he has a worldship… or most of one… what's the plan?"

    The briefing would begin - Anor was expected to speak, to offer what she could and knew. She sank a hand into the fleshy globe before her, triggering a swarm of light bugs to recreate the galaxy - this chosen galaxy - before they coalesced around the point that was where Quarang was located. "A challenge of honor is the best route. Whether Quarang shall stand with honor to such a battle is another problem. We will have to be prepared to fight, to make them submit if they are too far gone."

    TAG: @Sinrebirth

  15. OOC: A combo with @Sinrebirth

    IC: Qwi Xux, Beaumont Kin, IG88, Lowbacca, Tahiri
    Location: Ventura, Treskov system

    They had landed safely, but Ventura looked a right mess. Her nose was literally crumpled.

    Qwi felt tired from the trip, her old age starting to slow her body down. She thought that she and Beaumont by this time would be spending her remaining years in peace and tranquility. Someone though decided to throw a rather big spanner in to that.

    She sat down listening to the conversation. Sith, and they were probing.

    "I quite agree on the point of the Sith bringing more forces. They have had time to regroup and rebuild after we chased them off Kesh".

    "I think we will need allies. We are only a small force looking after refugees. The point is though with the galaxy turning feral, who could assist?"

    "I guess we'll need to backtrack to the galaxy as it was before... and look at one," Beaumont said, worried.

    Tahiri spoke up. "So, what, we guess?"

    "We will have time to seek precisely one ally," IG intoned. "Otherwise we risk the Sith discovering Ebaq 9, our forward position."

    Lowbacca rumbled. Kashyyyk, last he had been there, had fallen to the Yuuzhan Vong. There may be a resistance among the trees, but he doubted it could help much here.

    "What about the Hapans? We never had word that Feyna was killed," Tahiri pointed out.

    "It's a thought," Beaumont said. "Unless we see what's become of Ruan. We've not had any refugees come via there, so it could have bounced back. We've not looked that way just in-case..."

    "... if we're speculating madly, Mandalore was apparently in good shape, by all accounts. I was at the front - Ka'rta was keeping her Iron Empire out of things. I can't see the Vong or Sith, with how disorganised they are, knocking down the Mandalorians with their beskar."

    Lowbacca whined. That was a long shot. With how the Vong liked to attack into their strongest foes during the Great War, they may have gone after Mandalore because they were strong.

    "But the Yuuzhan Vong are not strong," IG pointed out. "Or they'd have taken the galaxy in the last five years, rather than leave it in the state it is in; the likelihood is that waiting out the initial invasion would have left the Mandalorian clans in a strong position. But they were not friendly, we can't say if they will agree to assist even if they are strong. Not without concessions." The droid looked to Qwi. "The droid factories of Balmorra were still standing when the HoloNet went down. I would recommend there."

    Tahiri chimed in. "Even if Mandalore wants concessions, I'd give them to them, if it didn't mean all these refugees die."

    With an almost woof, Lowbacca agreed, but expressed that between him and IG, they could retool almost any droid factory, like they had restored the TIE droid fighters they relied on.

    "Hapes, Ruan, Mandalore, Balmorra..." Beaumont shook his head. "Ignoring that we can't precisely just head to Hapes and hope for the best. It's 63 planets. Feyna could be anywhere, or nowhere, and we don't have a tonne of time." He bit his lip.

    "Qwi, what do you think?"

    Qwi looked weary and tired. The trip had drained her but she had to keep going. Especially with the Sith hanging around.

    "No idea" she simply said "We don't know who is out there, who is still alive, who is not. We don't exactly know the full state of the galaxy as a whole."

    "I know we don't have a lot of time, but with hardly any information….it's all guesswork. Wing it and hope that the people we once knew or heard of are still out there".

    She sagged "I simply don't know".

    "Wing it," repeated Beaumont, pulling a face. He held out his hand for hers, squeezed it.

    The Force flowed through them.

    "Are you getting any hints?"

    He wasn't; Tahiri and Lowbacca weren't, but with their Bond, perhaps...

    ... just the faint stirring of Force users somewhere in the Deep Core, or the Core Systems, but it was nothing specific, too nebulous to follow, and with the darksiders at the gates, it was hard to sort through.

    They'd have to make a choice and trust it. The Force was providing them no guidance.

    They voted. Tahiri picked Mandalore. IG picked Balmorra. Lowbacca voted for Hapes, in-case there were any Wookiees there. Beaumont wanted to look into Ruan.

    Which left it with Qwi again.

    She held Beaumont's hand but not even the bond was providing anything.

    She was no leader. Just an Omwati war criminal who wanted peace. No more war, no more fighting. Just her and Beaumont until the end.

    Too much responsibility was being placed on her.

    "I suppose finding Feyna is our best bet. She helped us before, and we helped her. There is no one else I can think of who can help".

    "I guess Hapes would be our first stop".

    "Feyna it is," Beaumont smiled. "I'll get us prepped..."

    "... I'll stay," Tahiri said, "coordinate here, maybe use the Force to try and divert the Sith..."

    Lowbacca grumbled that he would stay too. IG made a noise of annoyance. "I will come. My expertise will be essential to our success."

    "Really," said Beaumont, wryly, glancing at Qwi.

    Qwi raised an eyebrow at that "And why may I ask would your….expertise be essential to our success. Correct me if I am wrong but you are an assassin".

    "I'm a droid, I can communicate in many more languages and ways than you can," IG said stiffly.

    "Not trying to get out of dodge before the Sith get here?" Beaumont said, mockingly. Tahiri snorted, Lowbacca actually uttered a bark of a laugh.

    IG looked from them to Beaumont to Qwi. "Survival is always in my mind. So yes, I would rather not be here when the Sith come."

    Qwi snorted "You panicked aboard Ventura, I thought you were an assassin. I thought panic was more for us flesh and bloods".

    "But you might be useful, especially if it goes wrong, which no doubt it will do".

    She pulled herself up slowly "Hold them off for as long as you can. Hopefully we will be back as soon as possible".

    "May the Force be with you".

    "Panic is an inaccurate description," IG said, stiffly, as Tahiri and Lowbacca and Beaumont laughed. "I was merely noting that we were doomed."

    "Sure, sure, IG," Beaumont said, helping Qwi up. "You're in-charge, Tahiri, Lowbacca, don't do anything silly, hold tight until we get back. We'll be as quick as we can."

    "And may the Force be with you too," Tahiri replied, smiling softly at the Omwati. Lowbacca rumbled his agreement.

    IG sniffed. "The Force is unquantifiable. If I did not have empirical evidence that it existed, I would disregard it, and I doubt it's a deity of actual positive outcomes."

    Beaumont privately agreed with that.

    Whatever God ruled the Force, it was dark.

    "And this is why I never worked with droids…." Qei said, shaking her head and moving up Ventura's ramp.

    TAG: @Sinrebirth , @JediMasterAnne (for mention and info)

  16. OOC: Combo with @Sinrebirth

    IC: Barriss

    Jedi wisdom. That's what Finn was asking for. Unfortunately, Barriss wasn't sure how much wisdom she could provide. This was indeed war, something that Barriss hadn't gotten involved in for a long time.

    "What does our time table look like?" she asked.

    "Depends on Qurang Lah, mainly," Finn said.

    "But we do have some mines left," Zara pointed out. "We could use our old minelayers and move them, set them up at Kuar, at Feorest, just to slow him down. Won't stop a battleship analog, but it'll buy us some time."

    "Are you thinking of getting help?" Kaye said, curious. "From where? We've not found anyone who can help... the shipyards of Bilbringi are intact, but being fought over by the Sith and Vong and some GEMINI droids... Kuat is a wreck and the Eternal warships there are in full-genocide mode... Adumar is armed to the teeth and chasing off anyone who comes by..."

    "What about Hapes? Or Mandalore?" Zara said. "They were strong before the Great War. I didn't hear anything about them falling before we lost the HoloNet."

    "No idea," Finn said. "We didn't get that far. I still think blowing up the shipwomb is the best idea."

    "Offence is the best defense," the Empress agreed, "but for how long? If that battleship turns up, we'll lose my system... we need a long term plan, not a medium term one."

    Zara agreed. "If we use the mines, we could buy a couple days."

    "Or just a day," Finn said. "If Lah's feeling aggressive."

    "Why would he?" The Empress pointed out. "We're trapped in the Deep Core. As far as he knows, we can't run, nor does he know about Byss and Relus."

    It was going on, and the Force wasn't providing immediate guidance. It was tickling at Barriss, as if there were Force users near - in galactic distances, anyway - but not immediately so, not like Finn shone in the light side of the Force. But she'd had the feeling of Force users being relatively near - maybe in the Deep Core, or perhaps the surrounding Core Systems - for some years, and it had never resolved into them meeting one.

    "I think we should maybe try getting more allies," Barriss admitted. "It's worth a shot, since our odds will be better if we can buy ourselves some time and find some help. There are Force users nearby, either in the Deep Core or the surrounding systems. Maybe we can't reach them specifically, but there still might be someone out there."

    "So where do you want us to hunt?" Finn folded his arms.

    There was some disappointment; in Zara, in Luminara's expression, in the Empress.

    They were craving certainty from her.

    A plan.

    Barriss didn't just notice the disappointment, she felt it. And that disappointment hurt her.

    Five years ago, she wanted to only worry about keeping her family safe. Now there were more people counting on her, more people depending on her. That wasn't something Barriss wanted... but it was obvious now that she didn't have a choice. Whether she liked it or not, people were seeing her as a Jedi and a leader. And with that came responsibility.

    But at the same time, she was still just one woman. And she honestly didn't think that she could do this, that she could protect and save everyone. So that disappointment was deserved.

    Barriss breathed heavily, reaching out with the Force in an attempt to get a clearer answer from it. Because otherwise she was just going to let down everyone even more.

    The Force gave her a glimpse of the future.

    Jedi robes, blue-limned spirits, a woman with a soft but resolute face in monarch-like Hapan attire, and a younger woman in Mandalorian armor, with a connection to the Jedi woman, who herself had a Nightsister for a lover, a frail Omwati woman with them...

    A coming together...


    But where?

    The cast was in one place, maybe...

    And she would be there?

    An angry, spitting snap-hiss broke the vision -

    It was something dark inside the image, not near her, but Finn jerked at the sudden anger that burst from Barriss, or perhaps, through her.

    Barriss blinked, reflecting on what she had seen. The woman had worn Hapan attire... hadn't Finn mentioned that they hadn't gotten as far as Hapes? Could that be where Barriss might find this woman? But would it even be worth it? Would they even have the time?

    She looked at the others, trying to think of the best thing she could say. Trying to remember the missions she went on with her master during the Clone Wars, the battles they had fought and won together.

    "I... might have a lead," she slowly said. "Though I can't promise anything." She turned to Finn. "If you really think that blowing up the shipwomb is the best idea, then we should commit to it."

    "We could do both," pointed out Zara. "Take a swipe at the shipwomb, mine the way, and try and find some allies."

    Zara took the que that Barriss had given her, to shift Finn to his plans and preparations. Finn looked happy to do what he wanted, and Empress Teta looked satisfied that they were making medium-term plans. "We can give a day, Master Jedi," the Empress said.

    "I'm coming with you," Zara said, brooking no dispute.

    "Any lead from the Force is a lead which needs to be followed," the Empress intoned, almost worshipful.

    "Sure, sure," Kaye said. "But while we trust the Force, we can do something more tangible, right?"

    "As long as Byss isn't discovered," said Luminara. "If we lose Empress Teta it's a disaster, but if we lose both systems we're done."

    "Half of something is better than all of nothing," the Empress agreed, even before a guilty look could be passed her way; it was practical, and it was a fact.

    "Satisfactory, Master Jedi?" Finn said, wryly.

    Barriss nodded at Finn. "Yes, I think this can work."

    She still felt guilty, like she could still do more or that she should be doing more. Perhaps if they had anyone else, like an actual Jedi... but instead they had her.

    Finn, the Empress and Kaye, all went to their respective roles, leaving Zara and Barriss on the line to Luminara.

    "I think this is a long shot," their daughter said without aplomb. "And this is too much to ask of you, Mom."

    "We need to do our bit," Zara said. "We've built so much, we can't give up on it now."

    Barriss nodded slightly. She sighed. "I felt your disappointment during the discussion. I... I wish I could do more. I really do. I wish that I could be who everyone needs me to be. I wish I could have all the answers. But I don't. And I'm sorry."

    "Mom, you don't need to be anything more special than you are," Luminara said, honest, open. "You're a Jedi Knight, that's already more special than 99% of the galaxy. Even a lapsed Jedi Knight is more special than even that."

    Zara smiled, reached over to squeeze her hand. "All you need to do is believe in yourself. Or… believe in us - because we believe in you."

    "Unless you don't believe in us!" Luminara said, mock-aghast.

    Barriss laughed gently. "Of course I believe in you two," she told them. "Why wouldn't I?"

    "So then off you go," Luminara said, grinning. "Love you, Mom. Don't stay out late."

    "Be careful," Zara said. "And may the Force be with you."

    "And you, Mom." She signed off, and Zara looked to Barriss. "Off we go then. Where are we heading?"

    TAG: @Sinrebirth

  17. IC: Maal Lah
    Battle of Ruan

    The miid ro'ik emerged from hyperspace to a surprisingly quiet Ruan system.

    There were two ro'ik chuun m'arh frigates and four I'Friil Ma-Nat corvettes, yes, but they paled in comparison to their miid ro'ik, which dwarfed them by several factors.

    "The Intel said that Qurang had a uro-ik v'alh battleship," Maal ground out to Ike and Anor, the formers presence who he tolerated at best for his insights into the infidels... but now his crew included Rodians? Perhaps he needed a broader, more heretical mind.

    They were Extolled after all.

    There was a commotion - the dovin basils had detected an immense mass curving around the planet.

    A shipwomb, swelling with a massive worldship.

    Maal Lah swore. Qurang Lah had nearly grown a worldship.

    Darkspace chimes; something emerged from hyperspace - something big.


    A Yuuzhan Vong slaveship, larger even than their warship.

    Maal Lah swore again, and then again when it opened fire on a corvette and destroyed it!

    "What is going on?" He snapped at Anor, as if the spy would know. Ike canted his head, and whispered to Anor, conspiring as if a lover.

    "There's a Force user aboard that ship."

    TAG: @Mitth_Fisto (combo)
    IC: Viqi Shesh

    Resistance at Kuat

    The Skytroopers were coming.

    They always came.

    They always found them.

    With the unerring focus of a machine mind, the GEMINI that ruled Kuat sought the goal of complete genocide.

    The Kuati resistance was armed with pulse weapons, ion grenades and simple projectile blasters, if only because typical blaster gas supplies were nearly exhausted. But Viqi looked up from her datapad. "Eternal walker is on it's way... but there's a strange signature inside the factory."

    She hesitated. "It may be a ship?"

    Then the wall they'd been crouched behind collapsed inward, a Skytrooper emerging -

    And another -

    And another -

    TAG: @TheAdmiral
    IC: Winter Celchu

    Aboard the Obi-Wan, Hapes orbit

    The acting-Chancellor of the New Republic - even reduced to a small flotilla - didn't always have to check in with the Queen Mother and Prince of Hapes if she wanted to do something.

    Or her husband, General Tycho Celchu.

    Leaving the other ships at Roquo Depot, Winter had nodded at Feyna, Isolder and the Rogues heading to Mandalore to speak to Ka'rta, but she intended to head to Hapes herself, with the Obi-Wan as escort.


    The Nebula-class Star Destroyer, even reduced by time and many retreats, was still a formidable vessel, and Winter wanted to investigate a rumour she had heard from their scouts, one she daren't share with Feyna, in-case it raised her hopes.

    Even to herself, Winter dare not think it.

    When the Star Destroyer arrived, she was struck by how battered the planet look - and how impossible it was to see the world beneath. Tens of thousands of ships had clashed above this world five years ago, defending the throne in the absence of Feyna from the coup attempt led by Galney and supported by the Yuuzhan Vong. The Wookiees had stepped in to assist, and been enmeshed in the gravity wells of Hapan mining and Yuuzhan Vong interdictors. All had fought; all had died.

    By the time they had managed to reach Hapes, lost to the HoloNet blackout, the battle was over, and several flaming wrecks had devastated the planet. It was hard to see precisely what could have been done to save the planet, with the fleet mostly destroyed by Centerpoint, and what was left pinned at Kuat. Winter reflected on the dark days of the Great War often, wondering what they could have done differently.

    Was there anything at all?

    There was movement as the Obi-Wan arrived; ships emerging from the massive debris field - it was a kind of junkyard fleet -


    Fleet was a strong word, it was a dozen and a half of broken down ships, all durasteel, no coral.

    That deployment was heading towards the Obi-Wan as the twin ships of Beaumont Kin, IG-88 and Qwi Xux, as well as Barriss and Zara, arrived in-system. Both were behind the motley formation, as Winter's communique sounded out to the debris field -

    "Ben, it's Aunt Winter. I know you're here, I'm aboard the New Republic Star Destroyer Obi-Wan. Please speak up. We don't know where Han is. We can find him together."

    It was on an open channel, and Beaumont swore. "Well that's a surprise."

    Zara was much the same. "Well we came looking for help... but maybe we'll have to give it first?"

    There was a resonance, and Beaumont looked to Qwi. "Is that Barriss?"

    They'd sense each other in the Force.

    TAG: @Jerjerrod-Lennox, @CosmoHender (combo)

  18. IC: Ship, Darth Cocytus Feya Ne
    Escaping Korriban

    There were all manner of private craft and escape vessel leaving the planet. Ship was content to take Cocytus and his apprentice, especially with an Eternal flagship in orbit and Yuuzhan Vong in-fighting.

    Bypassing that was simple enough with the huge debris field - the wreckage of ten thousand warships and a million starfighters. Threading through it, he could escape the system.

    But where to?

    Darth Cocytus was partly surprised by how with such ease the strange ship guided them. His eyes gazed as they flew past countless ships, more destroyed than functional, and many still fighting among each other. It gave him much pride to have a played a part in one of the greatest battles in History, regardless of timelines.

    It's a goal of all life to leave a mark upon the Universe after all.

    Once the ongoing battle was way behind them, Cocytus's eyes gazed upon the controls. He smiled thinly and his eyes glowed as his fingers brushed along the controls. There was time and space at his fingertips, he just needed to learn it all.

    "Now how to use the great power of this vessel?" Cocytus asked thoughtfully, "How would you get me back home?"

    You would need a Gate, Ship replied. There is only one back from this timeline now.

    "Now?" Faya Ne chimed up, of course hearing too. "There was another?"

    There was, but now there is only the one on Remnicore... and two Gates to the Ruined Timeline.

    "Ruined?" Faya sounded surprised, and looked to Cocytus. "What does he mean?"

    Cocytus's eyes glowed as the ship suddenly began speaking to him and his Apprentice to be. Not many ships actually do such a thing, which is actually surprising now that he thought of it.

    Oh well. The kaminoan thought. So it seems the ship itself doesn't cross the barriers. Cocytus must have missed that part on the way during the initial journey. So much for all the possible Multiversal shenanigans he thought up in pursuit of power.

    Still, the gates...

    His eyes glowed once again, not sure if he should feel troubled by such ominous words.

    "And by ruined timeline, do you mean my native timeline, destroyed by the Left-handed God?" Cocytus asked, "Or, during my absence, has something happened to the timeline that the Black-Coat brought me from?

    The native timeline, as destroyed by the Left Handed God. There remain Gates to that domain, even though it has ceased to be. The destruction caused by the Left Handed God continued until reality broke. For some years the torture continued. Now the Gates exist to what comes After, on Mustafar, on Coruscant.

    A pause.

    The Gate at Remnicore is the only way back to the timeline you left.

    But it is in flux, it can be shaped to decide when you arrive.

    Cocytus quietly sighed in relief. For a moment the kaminoan thought that he lost another timeline he has come to call home. That would certainly put a wrench into any such plans he had in mind.

    His eyes glowed at the other implication.

    "Shaped to decide when I arrive?" Cocytus asked, "So when I arrive back to the timeline, may it be any time before or after I have left?"

    Possibly. You cannot go beyond where you have been, or will be.

    His apprentice spoke up. "What?"

    There are limits to travel. The Exegol Timeline is incomplete.

    A pause.

    There are only two Timelines now, and... outside. But we cannot travel there. Not without an Apotheosis Gate, but those are guarded by Keys, for they cross the World Between Worlds. The Well of the Dark Side was such a Gate.

    The ship paused, hanging above the elliptic of the star system.

    Tor Valum will not allow you to leave this timeline... you may have to kill him.

    Darth Cocytus's eyes narrowed at the Ship's words.

    "Only two timelines?" He asked, sounding disappointed, "Shame. The Universe, in all that exists, seems much smaller than I thought it would be."

    His eyes closed as he shook his head before they opened again glowingly.

    "Let's just return to the timeline I left." He replied, his glowing eyes narrowing as he put in the coordinates, "As for Tor Valum... I shall deal with him personally."

    All other alternatives were destroyed by Typhojem.

    A flicker of images passed between them.

    The reality where Vader was replaced by the Sith Stalker; the reality where Luke Skywalker missed the Death Star shot; the reality where Starkiller's Dark Clone slaughtered the Rebels at Endor; the reality where Kyle Katarn became Emperor; the reality where Empress Acina caused the Old Republic to wither and die; the reality where Luke Skywalker died on Hoth in the cold; the reality where Han Solo was not saved from carbonite in time…

    These were part of Infinities, and Dark Side Endings of events...


    The ship seemed to hesitate; it had... lied?

    Cocytus' apprentice reached.

    "Master, I can sense... something within the ship."

    There was indeed; older orders.

    They would feel like the Black-Coat's words.

    Do not - do not - do not - do not -

    Darth Cocytus paused from putting in the coordinates to Remnicore as the ship continued to speak. His eyes glowed as images of so many alternate timelines flashed before his eyes, all of them lost like his own timeline. His eyes narrowed as he cursed the Left Handed God in his thoughts for destroying so much of Reality. So much knowledge and power lost forever.

    And yet, the kaminoan noticed with a raised eyebrow, the ship seemed to begin to act strangely, as if it wasn't speaking truthfully.

    "I can sense it too." Cocytus replied, smiling thinly, impressed with his apprentice showing her abilities, "Very good..."

    His eyes glowed as the ship began to repeat the same two words and he cleared his throat.

    "Do not... What?" Cocytus spoke in a commanding voice, "Speak Ship. Tell me what your previous master has ordered."

    There was resistance; the old orders, they were firm, built within the psyche of Ship.

    There was something there that would need to be forced, to be pressed upon and broken down.

    It would need will, not mere words.

    Of course.

    Darth Cocytus felt its resistance to his commands.

    Talking ship meant a sentient ship.

    Which likely demanded a command of the Force to subjugate it to one's very will.

    The kaminoan's eyes glowed in the Dark Side with determination to not be defied.

    Cocytus raised his palm and had it face the command panel into which he began to pour his great power, right into the 'mind' of the Ship

    "You will follow my orders." He spoke directly, his words becoming his power poured into the ship, "Your previous owner is behind us, dead or otherwise. You are under my ownership now. All that you are and shall do will now be by my command."

    Cocytus pushed deeper.

    "You are mine! I command you! I am your master now! And you will comply."

    The resistance gave way, driven apart like a mountain of sand in a storm.

    Cocytus was that storm - and he had his truth.

    Information flowed out and into them both.

    There had been four keys to the World Between Worlds forged by the Master of Masters.

    Three were needed for ultimate access.

    Three had ended up in the possession of Darth Haretisch when he slew Darth Syren, Manticore and the Lorekeeper on Mortis, all those years ago in Cocytus's own, original, timeline. With it Typhojem had advanced from the Twilight Wars into present; with what was left of that energy they had escaped the End of Time in the original timeline.

    One would allow you to travel forward in time along your current timeline, at the cost of your memory, but you could be rejuvenated along the way if the energy released was so shaped.

    Two would allow you to travel back along your current timeline, but it was a one-way trip.

    Weak spots between the worlds allowed the Artefacts of Power to break the gap; at Bedlam, at Mustafar, at Remnicore, at Coruscant, at Kesh. The Scepter of Ragnos; the Darkstaff; the Sistros Scepter; the Lightstaff... and perhaps one more, but Ship did not know of that, he merely suspected one was in the possession of the Master.

    But through those gaps, one could use a singular key to escape the flow of time.

    To go to a Between Place, where one could view all of time.

    Within the heart of this ship was a key; a fragment of energy garnered from the Change that could be used and abused.

    Cocytus could travel back, here, and now... or he could travel across to where he had left... or he could travel outside to where he had never been...

    He had a choice.

    He had more choice than any sentient in the known universe - whatever the timeline.

    It was, potentially, the most dangerous and terrifying thing that could happen; this power in the hands of a Dark Lord of the Sith...

    ... and the Master had squandered it... for what?

    Darth Cocytus's eyes glowed brightly as new information poured into his mind and he smiled thinly in triumph. This ship, or rather the 'key' within the ship, was indeed the power to cross time and space, just as he thought it was. The nerve of this vessel to defy him with lies and secret keeping. But now all of its power was at his disposal to travel reality - no, not only that- outside of reality - at his very whims.

    All that power in his grasp to change time itself into his own image. To create his own timeline...

    "Power that puts me above the Gods!" Cocytus spoke calmly but with maniacal ambition, "And through that power the Sith shall rule time and space forever!"

    "But where to go first?" He pondered thoughtfully before smiling thinly, "Why to where no Sith has ever gone before, of course."

    His eyes shifted to his apprentice, as if just now remembering her, although he has been fully aware of her presence the whole time.

    There was unfinished business to take care of from earlier, completing Feya Ne's initiation into the Sith Order.

    "How about it?" Cocytus asked, standing up, "Do you still wish to submit yourself as my apprentice? To learn all that I have to teach and more at our disposal? To learn to use the Dark Side so to follow your passions, gain strength, power, victory, and thus break your chains?"

    "To become Darth Alecto, Dark Lady of the Sith?"

    Alecto was in awe of the moment, of the knowledge. She dropped to one knee all-but instantly, eyes unblinking. "I will, Lord Cocytus. I will align my destiny with that of the Rule of Two."

    Her voice was excited.

    "Where to first, my Lord?"

    Ship sagged mentally; defeated, discovered... it could only obey, and use the Key - the energy birthed from the Epitaph, from the Change, from the tragedies that girdled them all - as instructed…

    Darth Cocytus smiled thinly at the newly dubbed Darth Alecto, kneeling before him. He vowed that this time, he would put more time in her training than he had with Darth Styx. How the previous apprentice turned out, a minion to the Lesser Insipid, due to his negligence was a mistake Cocytus swore he would avoid making again at all costs.

    "Very good, Darth Alecto." The Dark Kaminoan commended, "Your training shall begin the moment we can settle down somewhere... undisturbed."

    But to where first? That was easy.

    "First and foremost, though," Cocytus went on as he went back to the ship's controls, knowing all that did what, "We shall, like I have said, go to where no Sith or Jedi has ever gone before... to the Outside, where all of Time and Space shall be in our sight."

    The ship resisted, it really didn't want to do this.

    Not if it could avoid it.

    Alecto felt that, and twisted her face into a grimace. "Obey the Dark Lord of the Sith."

    Ship didn't want to. It didn't want to. It didn't want to.

    But it would... would it?

    Cocytus' apprentice pushed against the resistance, but it redoubled, as if the Ship was... scared.

    "My Lord? Together? It seems made for two..." she smiled slightly, at that.

    The Rule of Two was the answer to all Sith problems.

    Darth Cocytus's eyes narrowed in anger at the ship's further suggestion bur then smiled thinly at Alecto's suggestion. What grand providence of Sith technology and security to enforce the Rule of Two. At least as far as preventing any too ambitious Sith thinking they could get away with a literal 'Rule of One' single Sith Lord.

    "Very good wisdom, Darth Alecto." The elder kaminoan suggested, stretching out his hand, "Together."

    "You belong to the Sith now." Cocytus spoke with the power that he, along with Alecto, began to push into the ship's mind once more to subdue it to their will. "You will take us to the Outside Place. You will take us where we shall see the whole of Creation!"

    (Sorry this is a bit late)

    @Sinrebirth, @HanSolo29, @Mitth_Fisto, @Jerjerrod-Lennox, maybe a mention for @Lady Belligerent

    Sinre edit or two

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 2, 2021
  19. A combo with @Sinrebirth

    IC: UnuTobias

    The Colony, Unknowns

    UnuTobias considered for a moment if he would join Nest Ship along on its voyage to capture the abandoned shipyards. In the end, he agreed. He would want to directly oversee the construction and production of his new fleet once there. Ensure that it was up to perfection he demanded.

    After all, they were still at a critical stage where a loss could set them back or vanquish them swiftly. Caution was of paramount concern.

    He did begin to wonder idly what had become of Nevet... and his inevitable rage... UnuTobias had never forgotten the man, but he had never hated or even loathed him. Just frustrated with his arrogance and demeanor.

    But such was to be expected from an 'emperor god'. And now the once Tobias Vox would build an Empire of his own to rival them all. Still, an Empire required subjects, and as useful as the Killiks were... he wanted more than just insects to rule.

    The Killiks writhed and obeyed, and the Nest Ship moved off without fanfare; the insects were excited, but they did not observe ceremony, or celebration. Such a thing was learned, and they had a vague sense of success or failure otherwise - all was survival, and survival was all.

    The Nest Ship tunneled into hyperspace, and that dark chuckle antagonized UnuTobias yet again...

    You do well, my boy. The Killiks are the perfect tool for your Empire.

    Tobias's eyes narrowed behind his mask, a sense of disgust residing over him.

    Vicrul... he thought back . How silent you have been for all these years... and now finally you emerge... for what end I wonder.

    Why, the End, of course,

    he rumbled.

    The nest ship was roaring through hyperspace as they had idle-chitchat.

    The End of Time is the time when Darkness rises, after all. We take this shattered world and make it our own at the very edge of this timeline's existence...

    UnuTobias tilted his head at the mention of this, a slight tapping of his finger as a small Killik crawled over it.

    Our? he intoned softly. It had been Vicrul after all that had led him down this road to become the being that he now was. Tap, tap tap...

    All things shall fall under my purview... for their sake... it is their destiny. It is our destiny... The fraying ends of his mind flayed about, was that truly what he wanted? Or was he driven simply by compulsion, by the track laid before him?

    Perhaps it simply did not matter.

    Are we not all one now? There is no 'I', only 'us',
    soothed the voice. The Killik song, interwoven with all songs, incorporating all. There is no more Tobias, only UnuTobias. Only the Colony, only the Unu. We will take all that we need to make the song the song of all species and peoples.

    The thought was manipulative, corrosive, even. But the Unu heard it and thrummed their chests and approved. They wanted what they thought, and thought what they wanted.

    The song of the universe.

    Across all worlds.

    There was a flash of mind; of memories of droids. The Killiks did not like machines; they could not participate in the Song. And so when they tumbled out of hyperspace in their egg and saw four Eternal battlecruisers gathered above the shipyards, the Colony wanted to destroy them.

    For there would be no singing with them.

    Us... We... I...

    To UnuTobias the designation of a collective meant they were one to speak 'us' or 'we' meant a sense of multiple separate beings... at least that is how UnuTobias understood it. There was just I. I the collective. And everything else was other.

    The individual in the form of the many. That was his purpose... that was his creed. But perhaps despite this a sense of self had been...

    No, I am I.

    The shards of UnuTobias's mind refocused looking up as he contemplated.

    The machines... they have a use... their speed... we need their speed.

    The Colony was reluctant, but it obeyed. It did as it was guided to by Unu.

    The ships held fire, and a rumbling Killik announced that a hailing frequency was open if required.

    The man once named Tobias tilted his head in quiet thought, his head resting against his fist. He seemed bored by the whole affair, the woes of things working the way you intended them to. He wondered absently if he needed a new name... and by 'he' he meant the hive as a whole, for he and the hive were one. He the mind and the hive his body.

    After a moment he decided to address the hailing frequency, curious if was truly just metal he was dealing with here or if anything organic was on board.

    "It is pointless to resist... accept your fate and your lives shall be prosperous and bountiful."

    TAG: @Sinrebirth

  20. OOC: Combo with @Jerjerrod-Lennox and @Sinrebirth

    IC: Barriss

    The Mirialan woman considered the communique. "Maybe," she told her wife. "But we'll need to know more information first."

    She paused, sensing others in the Force. And to her surprise, she recognized them.

    Beaumont Kin and Qwi Xux, who Barriss and her family had met five years ago. Miraculously, their paths had crossed again.

    The Force worked in mysterious ways indeed.

    Qwi tilted her head to the side and took Beaumont's hand in hers. Their bond did not work properly unless they were touching.

    "Indeed it is," Qwi responded. "I wonder why she is here as well. Looks like we may be after the same person."

    "But Winter being here too is strange. But if both Ben and Han have gone missing that is not good at all."

    "This is interesting," Barriss told her wife once she confirmed her suspicions through the Force. "Remember Beaumont and Qwi from five years ago? They're here too."

    The Obi-Wan fired on the junk ships, and one blew apart, as cables were launched to attempt to grasp at the hull - quite literal raiders, like pirates of old. Beaumont looked to Qwi. "Open a channel?"

    Zara had her hand on the console. "Want to speak to them?"

    Barriss nodded and opened a channel, leaning forward. "New Republic Star Destroyer Obi-Wan? We are representatives of Empress Teta, requesting aid. I repeat, we are representatives of Empress Teta."

    Qwi heard Barriss's message and responded with her own.

    "Obi-Wan this is Ventura. Winter if you are aboard this is Qwi Xux with Beaumont Kin. Cease fire, I repeat cease fire. We are trying to find Feyna."

    Winter shifted the channel so it was open to them each. "Representatives of Empress Teta, and Qwi Xux, I'm happy to see fellow survivors." The Obi-Wan ceased fire, but the pirate gang continued harassing the ship. "Can you call off your associates, please?"

    She hesitated. "I know where the Queen Mother of Hapes is," Winter said, referencing Feyna by title.

    "These pirates are no associate of ours," Barriss said as she looked over at the gang harassing the Obi-Wan.

    "I can assure you they are not ours either," Qwi confirmed. "We came here because we would like to try and speak to Feyna. The Sith have arrived in the Treskov system and we were wondering if she could help us before they attack the refugees there."

    Though Barriss didn't say anything, her eyes widened as she heard Qwi.


    Like the ones that had attacked Nadiem? Or perhaps the same ones that had come to Nadiem?

    Winter replied, as the Obi-Wan began firing upon the raiders again, blowing up three ships in half as many seconds.

    "The Sith escaped Nadiem after the Great War, between them and the Yuuzhan Vong and the rogue Eternal Empire droids, it's a mess out there. If we can help, I know Feyna will."

    She paused. "Did you want to come aboard, and I can take you to where she is now?"

    "We would like to come aboard, though our mission is different than theirs," Barriss told Winter over the channel. She still had Zara keep their distance as long as the fight between the Obi-Wan and the raiders was still going on. It was best for them not to risk getting caught in the crossfire.

    Qwi nodded "The quicker we can get to Feyna, the quicker we can get back to help those refugees".

    She did begin to wonder what exactly Barriss's mission was too.

    She began to move the Ventura towards the Obi-Wan to dock.

    The raiders broke ranks suddenly and rushed towards the two approaching ships - a broken down Beta-class transport, an old Separatist shuttle, a battered but deadly Owool - Beaumont swore, and IG-88 emitted a burst of panicked static again.

    Zara grimaced and redistributed shields to the nose -

    The Obi-Wan fired and the Beta explained -

    "Guns please gents," Qwi said gently as she gunned the Ventura towards the Obi-Wan. "Looks like these pirates want to take bits of us at a time."

    Barriss allowed the Force to be her co-pilot as she considered the approaching raiders. This wasn't really a ship made for combat, so her priority was to keep herself and her wife alive.

    "Hang on," she told Zara as she followed the Ventura toward the Obi-Wan. She knew that it was best if they stayed close to each other, rather than split up and give the raiders the chance to pick them off. There was safety in numbers, security in unity. That was why they were here in the first place, after all. Because together they had a better chance then by themselves.

    The Owool opened fire with some pretty heavy ordnance, but at extreme range their shields handled it. The shuttle was a wallowing Hutt of a ship and the Obi-Wan picked it off.

    IG and Beaumont manned the guns and returned fire, as Zara tweaked power as a second salvo hit them. The two crews would rock hard in their seats, and then the Owool turned sharply and ran off into the debris field -

    "Seems he realized it was only him left…" Beaumont said.

    "Movement detected within the debris field," IG confirmed. "A larger flotilla."

    "This is Obi-Wan," came an unfamiliar voice. "We see it too. We're lowering shields and turning about. Five minutes to hyperspace."

    Zara swore under her breath and began shifting power back to the engines, and Beaumont grimaced to Qwi.

    They were cutting it fine -

    Barriss turned to her wife. "Should we try heading for the hangar?" she asked Zara. They should be able to make it in time before the Obi-Wan jumped to hyperspace. "Or should we head back?"

    After all, the longer they stayed out here the less time that they would have to do anything about the upcoming attack. Though Barriss would hate to return without any help, she would also hate to arrive too late to do anything. Either option had its risks.

    Qwi meanwhile chose one option…

    To floor it.

    She was getting in that hangar one way or the other.

    Zara was going to reply when the Ventura rushed forward, and a moment later all that power Zara had diverted kicked in, and the engines surged them forward after the yacht. The Obi-Wan's hull neared quickly, as a dozen, perhaps dozens of ships seemed to come alive in the debris field.

    "If we don't stay too long, we can get back with the Obi-Wan," Zara managed to say. "An hour, maybe two, at most?"

    Beaumont held on as the hangar closed, and the controller's voice sounded out. "Three minutes."

    Barriss nodded and focused on the hangar of the Obi-Wan, ignoring the ships coming from the debris field. Despite the three minute warning, Barriss was sure that they could make it since they had a straight shot for the hangar.

    "Almost there..." Barriss said as they made their approach. "Almost there..."

    Qwi meanwhile as soon as the hangar was within reach, throttled back so she did not crash straight into the ship and came in to land.

    She was not looking at her sensors, just focusing forwards.

    They both made it, and the Obi-Wan vanished into hyperspace. The sleek Star Destroyer was on its way, and they were invited to meet with acting Chancellor Winter Celchu in her suite.

    IG looked to Beaumont. "I should stay. Assassin droids are not welcome at diplomatic functions."

    "We're not leaving you in our ship," he said with a snort. "You can wait in the hangar."

    Its cylindrical head swiveled to look at Qwi. "Acceptable."

    Beaumont shook his head. "Are you up for this? We won't stay too long, promise."

    "Guard the ship," she said simply to IG-88 before unstrapping herself and wearily pulling herself up from her seat.

    "As up for this as I can be my dear," she said smiling and kissing Beaumont. "Let's see if Winter may be able to provide some help too."

    Zara was a bit shaken, but it wasn't the most dramatic moment they'd ever had. The escape from Nadiem came to mind, or perhaps the Battle of Kashyyyk. "Ready?"

    Barriss took her wife's hand and squeezed it gently.

    "Ready," she told Zara, her voice hopeful. "Let's go meet the Chancellor."

    TAG: @Sinrebirth @Jer

  21. The following is a combo with @Sinrebirth – thank you so much! [:D]

    IC: Aryan Graul, the Master of Masters (Wapoe), and the Graul Family


    He had been here for days.

    Alone and isolated from the outside world.

    Some may have perceived that as daunting, but for Aryan Graul, it had become part of his usual routine. Ever since he had arrived on Ach-To with his family five years ago, he had felt moved by the planet's unique essence—the lure of the light combined with the integral flow of the darkness. Together they formed a perfect whole, and he could often hear them speaking to him. When the Force called upon him in this way, it was imperative for him to respond.

    That's when he would remove himself from the others, leaving the small village behind to journey up the mountain toward the Prime Jedi Temple. The excursion through the rocky cliffs was long and arduous, but it was more than worth it to immerse himself in the antiquated runes and texts available to him.

    He had learned much over the years, including the secrets of Exegol and the Sith wayfinders; the rare allure of the mysterious Force Dyad; the history of the archaic teachings known as the Rule of Two; and even more promising truths about the World Between Worlds.

    But Aryan reserved today for a new discovery.

    After he had spent days agonizing over a particularly difficult passage, he had finally reached an epiphany. The Force revealed to him the existence of an ancient Jedi beacon system, dating back to the Dark Age between 1100 and 1000 BBY. The text included detailed schematics of the primitive machine, which resided within the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Powered by Kyber crystals, a beam of light would extend from the temple's central spire to connect neighboring star systems inside a wireless network. It was essentially an ancient HolotNet transceiver.

    Aryan narrowed his eyes at that notion, his index finger poised over the illustration that represented the beacon's infinite power. If he could present this information to someone who was willing to listen—

    "Helloooooo," a musical voice echoed throughout the cavern, sending a pair of porgs into flight with a startled screech. The Master then stepped into the room unannounced, as if he had always been there. "It's been a while, and you seem to have been productive."

    Lowering the tome to the stone floor, Aryan merely stared at the other man as he rose slowly to his feet. His expression was an impassive mask, carefully guarded against the surprise that immediately soared within his chest. In some ways, he might've even been delighted, or relieved, to see the Black-Coat again. After their encounter on Korriban, something had…shifted, and he had wanted to ask him so many questions.


    And yet—

    "I knew you'd be back," he stated evenly, a thin smile evident on his features. "Your demise was a little too convenient after you left me with such a big clue." Pursing his lips, he reached into his jacket and produced a folded flimsi, wrinkled and torn with age. It was the handwritten note that the man had left behind for him at the cloister. "I've kept it."

    He scoffed and shook his head. "I don't know why, but—uh, I suppose it helped to keep me grounded."

    "It was quite alright," the Master said, with a shrug. "But also quite necessary, what with all those Sith Holocrons you were collecting at the behest of Mr. Skelm. He'd be nibbling at your ear if I hadn't."

    "Though you're a lot more balanced out now I made sure your mother was saved…" his tone was leading. "I felt like I had to compensate you after I dangled you as bait for Skelm and that Bernael chap. Couldn't let him get the Scepter and Eternal Fleet and all that mess, not with him sniffing around Zorn's plans. Had to keep his Darkness busy too, though he's a newer problem than not." He waved a hand. "Eh, it happens."

    "So, yes - sorry about that, I didn't think I could make you see how pointless all that dark-side-power-mongering was without, well, helping you get it all and then taking it all away," his tone was genuinely apologetic. "A bit heavy-handed of me but you've had a good half-decade of peaceful tranquility for it, y'know?"

    "And you got to take a chunk out of Palpatine, after all! Good times."

    Aryan exhaled softly and diverted his gaze toward the horizon, his eyes squinting against the silver sheen reflecting from the ocean's surface. "It almost feels like a consolation prize," he murmured softly, his voice barely audible above the roar of the distant surf. It was clear that he was referring to more than Palpatine's defeat.

    He had known since the massacre on Bakura that the Master had used him as bait to lure Skelm into a false sense of security; it was all a ploy to obstruct the Darkness' destructive tendencies. While he had spent the last half-decade contemplating its significance, it helped immensely to now hear the Master characterize his plan and personally explain his reasoning in greater detail. It provided some much-needed clarity.

    And yet, that did not absolve him of his guilt.

    "So many beings have lost their lives in the process," Aryan continued after a moment, idly placing the flimsi back into his jacket pocket. "You can't justify such a terrible tragedy, particularly when it's still unclear whether it achieved the desired results. Even so, I'm not sure if those potential benefits would outweigh the risks. I still believe was preventable."

    With a sigh, he closed his eyes briefly against the salty breeze before turning on his heel to seek the Master's featureless cowl. "But I suppose I am curious to know the truth. Have we averted a crisis, or is Skelm still out there?"

    He then canted his head, regarding the Black-Coat with a grim smile. "Or is that why you're here? To inform me that my quiet seclusion has come to an end?"

    "Uh-huh, all those deaths I caused... or, did I simply hand you the tools to do all that death, and you excelled at it?" His tone was dry. "Can't blame me for you eating Nouane, or what happened to Bakura, and Nubia, and Metellos, and... you made the deal with the devil, and merrily so. Had me pretty worried, until you turned it around at Korriban."

    "Skelm is always going to be with you, sadly," the Master said, with a shrug. "The Darkness tapping away at your soul, desperate to get out. It follows your blood, abandons the older shell for the younger, takes the Force sensitivity with it, if it can."

    He sighed, sitting on the floor. "But with you, you're different. Naturally Force sensitive, and so naturally, the better candidate for him, and, well, for me, to fix things."

    The Master crossed his legs and set his hands on his knees as he leaned forward. "But you're the chaos factor, my dear friend. You could become one of the greatest evils we've ever seen, or you could fix it all. Either, or. But what you want, in your heart of hearts, is certainty, and I can't give you that."

    He gestured vaguely towards the tree, half an island away. "Those Holocrons? They could promise you ultimate power. Truly, they can. Sistros, with those other nuggets of information in those Holocrons, could lead you to Mortis, to the Well of the Dark Side," the Master swept his hands out, raised his voice. "Make you a God."

    "But he can't give you certainty," he lowered his arms and voice.

    "Meanwhile, I can't give you even the lie of certainty." He pointed at the book. "I can just make mention of the simple ole fact that the Jedi beacon system would allow the galaxy to talk for a bit... might even galvanise some, y'know, hope."

    Lowering his chin, Aryan issued a weary sigh and idly touched his side. The blaster wound had since healed, but the scar remained. In a sense, it served as the perfect analogy to illustrate the Master's words. It represented his Darkness—the entity known as Skelm, and despite his personal victory against him on Korriban, he would have to accept the inherent conflict of his existence. Skelm would always be with him. The physical scar was a grim reminder of how close he had become to losing himself completely to that battle.

    The key to rising above Skelm's influence was to recognize his voice and to resist the ensuing temptation. But he knew that restraint was only the beginning of his journey. The Master had also raised another relevant point by mentioning his futile pursuit of certainty.

    He had rejected that notion for many years…

    ...until now.

    While the need for certainty persisted as one of life's very basic necessities, it could prove detrimental if it becomes absolute. Aryan had reached that point long ago, and that was when it had begun to negatively impact his career, his investments, his relationships, and much more. The higher the need for certainty, the less risk he was willing to take—or emotionally bear. That was the basis for his failure; certainty was an act of fear. He was afraid of losing control.

    Not even the allure of godhood could persuade him at this juncture. His last foray into that realm had proved disastrous, and he had no desire to pursue that for a second time.

    But then the Master had mentioned hope.

    Perhaps that was the only true certainty in his life. Hope was not the conviction that something would turn out well, but the certainty that something would make sense, regardless of how it turned out. It would also encourage others to enact change, which was a risk he was willing to take.

    "The potential is there, yes," Aryan finally replied, lowering himself to his haunches beside the Master to regard the book more closely. "But that doesn't address the inherent problem of accessing the equipment and ensuring that it's functional. It's an ancient apparatus, plus we would have to formulate the proper message to reach as many beings as possible."

    A frown then crossed his countenance as he glanced up and offered the Master a rueful smile. "But I doubt the galaxy would want to hear my voice, not after everything I've done. They would never listen to me. I believe I've dialed that 'chaos factor' far beyond its limits." He issued a soft chuckle and shook his head. "If we intend for this to succeed, we will require someone who the galaxy holds in relatively high regard to convey our message—someone they trust."

    Reclining back to sit on the stone floor, he shrugged marginally. "I admit, that's a pretty tall order in these dark times."

    "You mean that you need…" the Master quirked a hand. "Who, precisely? You're a politician, quintessentially. You know the name of who can unite matters."

    "It's always been the same person, no?"

    The Master smirked slightly, the emotion evident in the Force. "Your great rival, in all ways, and many ways, the Chancellor you always sought to be, and yet, fell short." His tone was somber. "But can you beg for forgiveness one last time?"

    "Could your penance be the gift of hope?"

    Aryan angled his chin back toward the ocean and closed his eyes once more, silently envisioning a future that could've been if he had ascended to the Chancellorship. His heart yearned for that one moment of triumph, but he knew that it would never transpire under the circumstances; it was far too late. It still hurt to consider how he had squandered his success, but he had slowly come to accept this new reality.

    And deep down, he also knew that what the Master had said was true; the Force reinforced this notion.

    "It won't be an easy path," Aryan admitted solemnly, opening his eyes to search the Black-Coat's darkened cowl. "Perhaps I was even avoiding the truth—but you're right. You've always been right. Feyna Organa has forever stood as the solitary light against the darkness. For the longest time, I was too proud of my own abilities to recognize her accomplishments. Her perseverance and ingenuity are unmatched. But more importantly, she has the power to unite the galaxy through faith alone."

    A bittersweet smile spread over his features as he nodded to reaffirm his beliefs. "She's stronger than I ever was, even with the Force." His gaze then turned distant, his voice dropping to a near whisper. "She was also able to save my son when I clearly failed."

    Wapoe clapped his hands. "Exactly. So," he rolled his wrist towards Aryan. "Let's get going. I know your family lost their Force potential, so they're caught up in the more mundane matters of survival on the mainland... so do you need to see them before we head off?"

    "Or..." he points at the sky. "Shall we? That big old ship is gonna be a bit oversized for a subtle appearance, but you'll be listened to, I reckon..." Another eloquent shrug. "I'm easy either way."

    Following his gaze toward the sky, Aryan made no effort to conceal the frown that crossed his countenance. He had not expected things to move so quickly. While the Master's appearance typically alluded to Change, he thought that he would at least have some time to formulate a plan and slowly ease himself back into galactic affairs.

    But then again, who was he to argue against the will of the Force? Everything had happened today for a reason; he could feel that within his heart. It was no coincidence that he had discovered the Jedi beacon in the texts, nor that the Master had decided to drop in and offer him guidance on how to proceed. This was his calling.

    The only issue was his family. It would be extremely difficult to leave them behind. They wouldn't receive the news well, but it was his obligation to inform them about his decision to pursue this goal.

    Gathering the tomes from the stone floor and tucking them under an arm, Aryan slowly rose to his feet. "You know that I can't simply disappear without saying a word," he stated with a sad smile. "I'll need some time with them, but we should still be able to depart by sunset."

    Aryan nodded slightly to convey his acceptance, but before he could stalk off to carry out his task, he hesitated. "Uhh, one more thing," he scoffed slightly, glancing briefly toward the horizon. "I haven't mentioned it before, but I believe I owe you an apology for my behavior on Korriban—for targeting you. I obviously wasn't in my right mind."

    The Master hesitated. He hadn't expected an apology clearly. "You don't owe me that. If I'd not mistakenly picked your ancestor, none of this mess would have landed in your lap." A sigh. "But not one but three students of the five failed me… well. We'll see what we can do about it all."

    "Do you mind if I tag along? I don't want to he left here…" his gaze seemed to become unfocused. "Too many bad memories. I'm surprised you put up with the place too."

    Faltering in his step, Aryan turned to glance surreptitiously over his shoulder. The Master's words had struck a nerve, conjuring a series of errant emotions from the past. "Some things are necessary to uncover the truth," he explained solemnly, his lips forming a thin line at the memory of his wife and son—of Lyz and Arek. Both had lost their lives on the aquatic planet long ago. "That's why I endure the pain."

    His gaze lingered a moment longer before he pivoted on his heel to continue his journey down the craggy cliff. The path was treacherous and narrow, but Aryan had traveled it so often over the past five years that he had practically memorized every nook and cranny. He now used that knowledge to guide the Master over the rugged terrain toward the village below.

    But before they entered the quaint community, a fleeting thought crossed Aryan's mind. "Joren, right?" he remarked simply, turning slightly as he recalled the Master's last admission. "That's the ancestor you've alluded to. I have a vague recollection of his exploits from the memories I've obtained from the Ragnos Scepter."

    He frowned as he peered down at the villagers, the wind whipping relentlessly at his tousled hair. "He was also obsessed about certainty in his life."

    "Joren was the first Protector I named Sistros," the Master said, walking beside Aryan, arms linked behind the small of his back. "I made him the leader of the group in my absence. Everyone had a role - a Truth - and I encouraged them to act on them… but they chose to keep them secret from each other."

    A shrug. "I told them that Joren would be leader and it immediately caused an issue. It divided the others, and encouraged the right amount of paranoia to tempt the Darknesses."

    He sounded wistful. "Well. Just the right for Vydra and Dunkeel - for Yanjon and Faya. For Sistros and Vale - Braata - it was too much. I intervened with Braata and separated her darkness from her, creating a Dark and Light inclination… but that meant Vale could not host a Darkness…"

    The Master sighed. "I didn't know. I'd seen Light and Dark inclinations exist in the future - with Darth Revan - but had no way to know." He looked at Aryan. "The use of their names - Sistros, Braata, Yanjon, Faya - it would crystallise them, seal and protect them in a statue. With a Darkness trapped within them."

    "But because Light-Vale was incomplete she couldn't be protected by her statue… and the Sistros statue rejected Joren, letting him melt into the lava that consumed the whole of Nouane…"

    Aryan merely listened to the Master's tale, absorbing the various details and contemplating his words in silence. He felt a strong resonance within his soul, and it verified what he had already perceived as the truth. Hearing it from the Master only allowed it to fully penetrate his being and register with the deepest recesses of his mind. He had shattered the last points of resistance.

    There was no longer any need to dispute what the Scepter had told him nearly fifteen years ago; to deny his true self.

    Joren Graal.

    Aryan Graal.


    With a sigh, he merely nodded and once again turned into the wind to feel the cool breeze upon his face. "You were always confident about reaching this stage, weren't you? When you let me go to accept my fate…" He angled his chin and glanced at the Black-Coat out of his peripheral vision. " knew that I would return one day; to stand here beside you. You waited for me."

    His gaze hardened as he faltered in his step. "But what about the others?" he continued quietly, his voice barely above a whisper. "Are they still encased within their...designated statues? Safeguarding their Darknesses? I have to admit that I'm still not entirely sure that I understand why you rejected me and allowed Skelm to go free."

    As they reached the final incline before the village, Aryan turned to meet the void where the Master's face should've been. "Wasn't that path more dangerous? He still resides within me; I can't escape that."

    To emphasize his point, he reached up and idly touched his chest with his right hand.

    "Much more dangerous," the Master admitted. "But you would have broken free of the statue at an unclear point otherwise. I would be essentially seeding Skelm into the future; but making him take the long way meant I could prepare something to stop him."

    His gaze turned to Aryan. "I could prepare you." He shrugged. "As for the others… Zas'tel took them from Palpatine and he's been, I realise, running his own game through things. I can't see them anymore." He seemed unhappy. "Especially as you destroyed the Kyber with my Eye within it…"

    Pressing his lips into a thin line, Aryan diverted his gaze and nodded solemnly to acknowledge his mistake. It had been a confusing time in his journey; he had believed the lie of deception. The failure at Bakura had convinced him that everyone had been out to get him.

    But time and knowledge had revealed the true nature of the Master's actions during that harrowing time.

    "You were targeting Skelm," he reiterated softly. "I realize that now, but...perhaps it worked a little too well. He retaliated in his own way, and it cost you a valuable resource. I...apologize for that. It felt like the right thing to do at the time." His tone then turned wistful. "Just like so many other instances in the past. Imagine how different things could've been, especially back on Nouane, if we had trusted—"

    He trailed off with a weary sigh.

    They had reached the island edge, and a small boat was there. The family was standing there, looking a bit leaner than they were when they first made planetfall five years ago, but lighter for their escape from destiny. Jalynn was beyond that teenage phase she was leaving, and Arek was maturing well. Aryan's mother was strong, stronger than she had been while kept in a coma by Norin Graul. As for Gaeriel, she simply looked at the man in black. "We were called here, to say goodbye."

    The Master shrugged again, eloquent in what he didn't say as much as what he did.

    The poignant statement halted Aryan in his tracks, and he frowned slightly. He had known that this was coming, ever since he had decided to offer his aid—but nothing could properly prepare him for the somber scene that awaited him on the bluffs. His family had already gathered to see him off, and Gaeriel's remark would only make his task all the more difficult. It brought a certain finality to things, and he inwardly winced.

    Nevertheless, he gathered his resolve and strode forward to embrace them. "It's my calling," he provided simply, his eyes reflecting his conviction. "I'm not sure if I can explain it. The Force is leading me down this path, and I can't ignore it."

    He tended to Jalynn and Arek first, placing a hand on each of their shoulders and peering into their faces to lend them reassurance and strength in his absence. After a moment, he couldn't resist and pulled them both into a fierce hug. "I know you'll watch after your mom and grandmom," he murmured quietly. "You've both grown so much."

    After disengaging from his children, he sought his wife and smiled sadly. "You know that this isn't a final goodbye," he replied in a sympathetic tone, leaning down to nuzzle against her forehead. "I'll be back once I've fulfilled my duty. I may have...found the key to reuniting the galaxy." He indicated the tomes under his arm with a small shrug. "You know that I can't walk away from that, Gaeriel."

    Before she could protest, Aryan pressed his lips against hers and silenced her with a kiss.

    Gaeriel kissed him back, fiercely, sadly, with strength and passion, and belief. When they broke apart, her eyes were wet with tears. "I've told you a thousand times it wasn't your fault what happened, that you have made it up to us, but I know you want to put things right."

    He lingered close, his breath brushing against her lips as he exhaled softly. She knew that this was his bane. Despite her many attempts to console him over the years, he had been unable to forgive himself completely. The guilt would always be there. Part of him hoped that this venture would absolve him of his affliction.

    "It's my debt to the galaxy," he confirmed in a hushed whisper. "I owe them this."

    His mother reached over and squeezed his hand. "And your father's behaviour is not yours to undo."

    Aryan stepped back marginally and offered his mother a contrite smile, clenching her hand in return. "I know, Mom, but—" He sighed and shook his head. "The blame doesn't rest squarely on Dad's shoulders. So many have also suffered by my own hand. He had no bearing on that. That was my choice—and it's also my responsibility to atone for those sins."

    Glancing warmly into her eyes, he bowed his head and placed a quick kiss on her cheek. "Who knows, maybe there's still some hope to redeem the Graul name. I intend to try."

    Jalynn and Arek smiled weakly, upset, but trying to be brave. The Master regarded little Arek and spoke softly. "We'll need to get going soon. The others are gathering."

    Aryan acknowledged the Master's announcement by slowly closing his eyes, instinctively calling upon the Force to bolster his fortitude and strength. This would not be an easy transition, but it was a necessary one. The emotional farewell had placed him in a rather dismal mood. Fate was also at the forefront of his mind—or more specifically, he was curious about the role he would play in its eventual fulfillment. While he had already come to terms with what he was about to do for his family and the billions of others scattered across the galaxy, it did not make it any less painful.

    It was possible that he may never see Arek, Jalynn, Gaeriel, or his mother again…

    He may not make it back.

    Clamping down on that thought, he quickly thrust it from his mind. He was aware that his family had since lost their connection to the Force, but he wasn't about to take any chances; he couldn't afford to have them sense his doubts.

    And so, with a wavering breath, Aryan ran a hand through his silver hair and opened his eyes to regard his family one last time. "I'll keep in touch whenever I have an opportunity," he stated with unerring certainty, his expression hardening to maintain his composure.

    "And I'll return soon—I promise."

    TAG: @Sinrebirth; @JediMasterAnne (for the brief mention)

  22. OOC: Combo with Sinre and galactic-vagabond

    IC: Tor, Rook Kast, Feyna, and Isolder


    "Tor," Owen's voice echoed softly in the sparse room.

    Tor snapped awake sitting up in her bed.

    "What is it."

    "The republic's here…" Tor's eyes widened as she lept out of bed quickly bringing her com to her ear to hear the Tycho's voice over the wave. She didn't recognize the voice, but it sounded official. As she heard Rook's voice her body moved with purpose quickly getting into her armor.

    "Kast, you and your squadron are to stand down." The nominal leader of the Mandalorians called out over the Mandalorian channel, knowing it would do nothing. Kast and her 'clan' if it could be called that, never took to Tor being their leader, she wasn't blood thirsty or expansionist enough. As she made her way to the hangar she handed out more orders. "Clan Ordo, Squad 99 get into the skies and intercept Kast. Do not fire on them...unless they leave you no choice." This was the moment she'd been waiting for...maybe Leia was with them, her Sister had always believed in the New Republic. "Kast, I swear if you fire on those ships I'll not hesitate to end you." She spat the fire of her mother, the anger and rage she'd inherited, sometimes, mandalorians only hear violence.

    "Welcome to Mandalore." Tor replied to the representative from the former Galactic spanning government. "I am Mand'alor the Returned, my predecessor," It hurt to say this to admit to what she'd done but, it had to be said. "Is dead, she fell by my hand." Tor continued her march to the hangar, her words coming out quick and sharp. "I'll gladly give you an audience...though I have some." She calmly slipped into the Bessie her mother once flew, a craft that had seen the worst of the fighting in the last war. "Internal conflicts to resolve." With a few more moments, Tor took to the skies on an intercept course with Kast, hoping she wasn't too late.

    Feyna's brow was knit in agitation as she listened to what was unfolding over the comm--the first voice almost sounded like Ka'rta, but another came on, ordering the first to stand down, and informing the New Republic contingent that Ka'rta was dead.

    "Is that Tor?" Feyna looked to Isolder, wondering what that might mean for their plans. Tor might be more receptive, but if there was some internal conflict within the clans...

    "Tycho, be on the alert for possible hostiles incoming," she warned.

    Rook Kast was heading up into atmosphere with half a dozen Fang fighters with her, the old Mandalorian designs souped up with beskar plates before supplies ran low. Tycho clicked the open comm. "Manda'lor, permission to defend ourselves?"

    "You give that order, Tor, and I'll gut you myself." Rook turned her Bessie around as the Fang's headed forward.

    Rogue Squadron opened their s-foils, but shields and weapons were not powered.

    Isolder reached over and squeezed her hand. He muted the channel at their end. "Should we go? Defend? Fight?"

    "You and yours harm them, you will leave me no choice." Tor called out, throttling up as Crosshair and Hunter fell in along side her. "Stand down Kast." The Mand'alor readied her weapons, prepared to do what was necessary.

    It was definitely Tor; Feyna didn't know what her quarrel was with this Kast, or how far it reached--was it just Kast and these few who were against Tor, or was Mandalore on the cusp of an uprising?

    But the New Republic didn't have anywhere else to turn. They needed this alliance.

    "Tor didn't expressly refuse Tycho; they can't expect us to not defend ourselves against an attack."

    Kast growled. She hadn't been sure about the first sentence, if it was addressed to her or the New Republic, but the second one was. She kicked her fighter around and joined her comrades.

    It was time.

    The entire group went after Tor at her signal.

    Tycho watched the beginning of the furball , unsure what to do. Isolder spoke up. "Mandalore, we are happy to offer to our assistance."

    "Do not..." Tor called out to the Republic fighters. "Intervene. This is an internal matter, and will be handled..." She knew that if she called upon the Republic to handle a mandalorian problem, it would show weakness in her position, show that she needed outside help to keep her position. "Internally." She opened her throttle heading straight towards Kast and her group. Two clan Ordo fighters joined up with her to even the odds somewhat. But Kast's group were battle hardened and fanatical about Mandalore and Mandalore alone. Tor locked on to Rook's fighter firing off a few lasers that bounced off the hardened armor of the other fighter.

    "So you couldn't challenge me in the throne room, so you challenge me here?" She hissed between her teeth. "Coward."

    Feyna nodded, though a little hesitantly, at Tor's instructions. She'd had a niggling feeling that Tor might rather the Republic not interfere, but she still stood by her earlier opinions. "Acknowledged, Mandalore--but understand, if any of Kast's fighters get too close, we will defend ourselves."

    "That's fair." Tor replied curtly as her ship rocked, bolts from Kast's supporters rained down on her. Cutting hard around she chased after Rook, not letting her get away.

    Rook snarled at her allies. "Stay back - this is between me and Tor." They veered off, and Rook turned around her Fang, spanging a deflection shot off Tor's remaining shields. Tycho and the others were reduced to watching, and Isolder pursed his lips.

    "Things aren't great here. Should we stay? If Tor loses, Rook will come after us..."

    "At least you have some honor." Tor shot back. "Ordo, 99 hold back, this is between us." Her shields were gone but, her armor was still strong. Tor threw her throttle full pushing the aging engines to their limit. A bonus of being Mandalore, access to the best mandalorian technicians to keep your ship flying. Though it was questionable if it would be enough. Cutting her throttle she dipped down before angling up and pulling the trigger letting off a line of bolts that caught Kast underneath putting a dent into her shields.

    Kast snapped around Tor followed, letting off a few more shots that went wide. The would be uspuer feinted left then cut the other way. Tor was a second late, letting Kast get the upper hand. The leader of Death Watch fell in behind Tor, with no shields to shift around she just had to rely on her own evasive flying. She was much more comfortable with larger patrol boats, and shuttles as she'd been using them in her hunting career.

    But, Tor was nothing if not adaptable. She swung left then right not letting herself be an easy target, letting bolts sail wide as she looked for a way out. A few shots caught her causing her craft to shake and rock. Running flat out she pulled back on the stick snapping around just slightly out turning Kast and pulling the trigger. Her bolts dance across the hull of Kast's Fang. There was some carbon scoring but, didn't look like much more. The veteran fighter snapped around, and Tor kept on her. Another feint but, Tor didn't fall for it, not this time. Powering through the turn Kast cut her throttle leaving Tor to fly past. The Mand'alor kept it flat out and fought against the G-forces to turn hard around to prevent an easy kill. The turn and burn seemed to catch Kast a little flat footed allowing Tor to get around again and let off a few more shots, one of them striking an engine. It sputtered a bit, effecting the maneuverability of the once nimble fighter.

    Injured Tor stayed on Kast's tail, like a predator on wounded prey she didn't let the other fighter out of her sights. Even as Kast swung wildly trying to shake Tor but, there was blood in the water and cold vengeance was chasing after her. Tor set her jaw and waited, and waited with the patience gained over a career of hunting until the right moment. As her crosshairs lined up perfectly she pulled the trigger sending a stream of blasts down range tearing into Kast's fighter the last piercing the cockpit leaving only slag behind.

    The Fang tumbled off into the black as Tor came around staring down the remaining Death Watch.

    "Anyone else want to challenge me?" She growled over the line, the anger burning in her voice. When none moved forward she moved along.

    "Madam Chancellor," Tor started using Feyna's former title, with Mandalore being so cut off she didn't know much about changes outside her little slice of the galaxy. "Would you prefer to meet in person or is this enough." Her breaths came through heavy and labored, the fight having taken more out of her than she was expecting.

    "It's just 'Feyna' now, or if you're more comfortable with some formality, my title is technically 'Queen Mother.' My term limit as Chancellor was up some years ago. And over comms is fine, unless you'd prefer in-person." Feyna wasn't sure if they'd be able to bring Tor aboard the shuttle, or how safe it would be to actually land.

    "We need your help."

    Tor furrowed her brow a little. Someone was reaching out for her help? She was certain her mother had slagged those bridges from orbit. But, here they were what remained of the new Republic in her system requesting aid. It was a moment she never expected to happen, and frankly she's a still a little shocked.

    "Um..ah," She stammered a little. "Certainly Feyna, just Tor is fine for me. I find formality a little burdensome, especially as we sit at the end of time itself..." She went quiet for a moment looking to her escort that had formed around her keeping the remaining Death Watch in check. "We don't have too much to offer but, I will do what I can. What do you need?"

    The remaining Death Watch had powered down weapons and shields, seemingly accepting the result; Tycho had his X-wings follow suit, waiting for instructions, as Isolder looked to Feyna. He wanted her to take point, fundamentally, as the nominal Queen Mother. He was just the Prince, after all.

    "We're seeking an alliance," Feyna stated.

    "I'm not going to lie to you, Tor. The New Republic is weak, and we don't have much to offer, either. But we'd both be just that little bit stronger together, maybe enough to start making a difference.

    "We're specifically looking for assistance in reclaiming control of Hapes, to start." She didn't want to scare Tor off, thinking that they were about to try taking on the Vong again right away.

    "An alliance?" Tor started, "It must be the end times." The mandalore let those words sit for a bit, letting out a laugh. "What would be the benefit to mandalore? Not for me, but there are some in the clans that would want some reparations for our participation. Like the old Mandalorian Mercs of old. Though frankly I think many would just be glad to be fighting again."

    "We came anticipating having to deal with your mother, prepared to agree to whatever her terms might have been," Feyna explained. Yes, we're that desperate. "Did you have a specific request?"

    Tor arched her eyebrow listening to Feyna on the other end of the conversation. "Specifically we need metal, we need materials." The leader said after a moment of thought. "We're out of a useable source of Beskar, and all the other metals have been mined out long ago. We could also do with some...technical help. We have some Balfor trees from Ithor before it was destroyed." She looked away recalling what her mother had done to get those trees. "We found some ways to grow them, with help from some Ithorians that chose to stay. But, we still haven't figured out a way to use them against the Vong, or even how we would. Our own experts have been busy with other projects."

    Isolder frowned, rewinding his memory five years. "Bafforr trees? Is that why the Vong attacked Ithor? Is that why Ka'rta attacked Ithor?"

    It was a fairly pointed question.

    "My buir went there to capture the herd ships." Tor was given a brief rundown of what her mother was up to while she was out hunting down a sith. "The Vong where there to destroy the trees. Ever the opportunist and always looking for a way to kill the Vong by any means necessary, she took as many trees and she could and hid them away. Unfortunately we lost contact with the Verpine before she could figure out how to weaponize it."

    Isolder looked to Feyna, but offered something in equal value. "We figured out how to manipulate gravity to jam Yuuzhan Vong comms. We've disrupted their villip network, much like they did the HoloNet, but it's not allowed us much traction with Sith and GEMINI-led Eternal cruisers reaping the galaxy too."

    He wondered what Feyna thought of it all. A bio-weapon? She'd worked against superweapons her whole life.

    "We've been a little busy trying to keep the Clans in line to worry about the Sith and Eternals. But, if you give us a target, we still have enough fighters to chase down anything. The only problem is, we don't have much in the way of capital ships. They weren't really a priority during the Beskar Age. Though the Bessies can handle just about any conventional weapon those mindless droids can throw at us."

    Feyna chose to bite her tongue about the idea of using a bio-agent against the Vong; chemical weapons ranked up there with super weapons on her 'least favorite things' list. But given the current state of the galaxy, maybe it was time to change the rule book.

    "Hapes currently has Sith and Vong problems, I don't think we'll be up against any Eternal issues yet. The NR still has the Obi-Wan, and Star Home, plus a handful of Battle Dragons and Nova's.

    "Once we get the Consortium sorted out, perhaps we can find the Verpine, and find out what the connection between the Baffor trees and the Vong."

    TAG: @Sinrebirth @galactic-vagabond422

Air Force Tool Vox Designation


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